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A Day at the Lake

Morning 8:00 am

This was probably his favourite part of the region so far. Blake arrived at Casseroya Lake with everything he needed, his camera, his notebook, and most importantly his Pokemon. His team currently consisted of Samurott, Quaxly, Vaporeon, Buizel, and Gyarados. He had more in his Box due to his travels to previous regions. The Casseroya Lake would be the perfect location to train his water-types.

Blake is a Blueberry Academy student who is visiting the Paldea region for research into water-type Pokemon, to further his dream to become a water-type gym leader or elite 4 member. Before joining Blueberry Academy, Blake had traveled to other regions beginning in his home region of Unova, Kanto and Johto (he always felt as though he had been watched during his travels there), Hoen and Alola were his favourites so far due to the vast number of water-types there, Sinnoh, Kalos, and Galar. He challenged the leagues, and he always challenged the water-type specialists at least twice, to get some insight as to how to improve as a Water-type trainer.

After hearing about Paldea’s Terastallization phenomenon. The ability to change a Pokemon’s type. Blake begged Blueberry Academy’s Director Cyrano, to allow him to visit the region. Blake was surprised that the director agreed so easily, and became an exchange student at the region's school Uva Academy.

After remembering his purpose for coming to this location, Black threw the Pokeball containing Gyardos into the lake. The Atrocious Pokemon let out a roar that echoed across the lake. Blake hopped onto his Pokemon and set off to the nearest island.

Midday 12:30 pm

Blake sat on the west coast of Casseroya Lake, eating sandwiches with his Pokemon. So far the day was going well. His training was going smoothly, with Quaxly looking close to evolving. He took pictures of the lake, he took pictures of the mountains, he took pictures of the islands, he took pictures of the Veluza leaping out of the water (whilst also getting attacked by said leaping Veluza), the Kilowattrel and Starpor’s flying by.

As he and his Pokemon began to put away the picnic set, he heard a small whine coming from behind him. It was a Dragonair. Blake’s Samurott, Quaxly, Vaporeon, Buizel, and Gyarados all looked on edge, as though they were getting ready to pounce. Luckily Blake raised his hands, signaling them all to calm down. He saw what the Dragonair was looking at, which was the sandwich that he was about to put away for later.

Blake slowly approached the Dragon Pokemon, placing the sandwich in front of it. The Dragonair looked back and forth between the sandwich and Blake and then proceeded to devour the food. Once it was done eating, Blake could have sworn that the Dragonair had smiled at him before it slithered back into the water.

Evening 7:30 pm

The sun was setting at Casseroya Lake. The waters were calm, but Blake still kept an eye out for any wild Pokemon that could attack him. He was getting ready to head to the Pokemon Center, as he didn’t think it was a good idea to stay overnight at the lake due to the risk of wild Pokemon attacking his tent.

As he was moving from island to island to reach the Pokemon Center. Blake’s thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash in the lake, the splash drenched him from head to toe. He took a

proper look and realised what the problem was. It was a Dongozo, the Big Catfish Pokemon, it was rampaging and lashing out, and had glowing red eyes. But why? Blake’s concerns grew bigger when he saw the Dongozo about to attack what looked like the same Dragonair that he gave his sandwich to earlier, charging at the poor dragon-type with the move Aqua Jet. Without thinking, Blake jumped towards the Dragonair and pushed it out of the way, but his left arm was caught by the Dongozo’s Aqua Jet and a bad landing from saving the Dragonair did some painful damage to said arm.

Blake looked back at the Dongozo and saw it getting ready to unleash another Aqua Jet. He reached for the Pokeball containing Samurott, but before he could through the Pokeball, the Dragonair fired what looked like the move Dragon Pulse, the attack hit the Big Catfish Pokemon with a loud “BOOM” and Dongozo fell unconscious. then something fell out of its mouth, it was the sushi Pokmon Tatsugiri. Blake remembered from class that Dongozo and Tatsugiri had a sort of symbiotic relationship. Both Pokemon looked possessed, as they both had red eyes which were slowly turning back to normal. It appears as though they had thrown up some sort of plant or herb.

Blake didn’t have enough time to figure it out as the Dragonair was wincing in pain. He didn't have the strength to carry it as he was also injured (his arm might have been broken). So took a spare Pokeball and threw it at the Dragonair. The Pokemon didn’t resist, it seemed content to be caught by its saviour. After a few seconds, the Pokeball let out a familiar ping/click. The capture had been completed. Blake scoped up the Pokeball and headed to the Pokemon Center, hopefully, to get him and his possibly new friend cleaned up.

Unknown to Blake, in the distance, on one of the small islands of Casseroya Lake. A certain Pokemon had been watching his bravery in protecting the Dragonair. A certain Pokemon that was not native to the Paldea region. A certain Pokemon that had been unknowingly following him since his travels in Kanto and Johto.

After Blake’s figure got smaller in the distance, the Suicune leaped onto the lake and disappeared into the setting sun. Their encounter was approaching soon.

Shovel's avatar

Kay’s Pokemon Adventure

The morning sun filters through the thin fabric of the tent, casting a warm glow on the sleeping form of a young trainer, Kay, and her faithful companion Eevee. The small Pokémon stirred first, it’s large ears twitching as it since the world waking up around it. With a gentle nudge, Eevee prodded Kay’s cheek, coaxing her out of her slumber.

“Alright, alright, I’m up,” Kay mumbled, rubbing her eyes and grinning at Eevee. The little Pokémons fur was still ruffled from sleep, but it’s eyes sparked with energy of a new day.

Kay, quickly packed up the tent and slung her bag over her shoulder, feeling the familiar weight of adventure pulling her forward. Today we were headed to Verdant Woods, where rumours of a rare Pokémon had reached her ears. She could feel the thrill of discovery tingling in her veins.

As they walked, the forest came alive around them. Eevee darted ahead, leaping over roots and chasing after fluttering Butterfree. The bond between them was more than just trainer and Pokémon. They were partners. Friends. Who had shared countless moments of joy and challenge.

They reached a clearing by midday, the perfect spot for a break. Kay sat her bag down and pulled out some berries, handing a few to Eevee, who nibbled on them eagerly. The forest was quiet, except for the rustling of leaves and the distant cry of a Pidgeotto. It was a moment of peace in the midst of the journey.

“Hey Eevee,” Kay began, her voice thoughtful. “ do you ever wonder what it would be like to evolve?”

Eevee looked up at her, tilting its head curiously, it had always been a question in the back of Kay’s mind. Eevee had the potential to evolve into so many different forms. Each one unique and powerful in its own right. But Kay had never pushed it, wanting to leave the decision to Eevee.

Eevee, sensing Kay’s contemplative mood, hopped onto her lap and nuzzled in to her chest. The gesture was familiar, comforting, a reminder of the bond they shared. Kay smiled softly. Running her fingers through Eevees soft fur.

“You know,” she continued, “ whatever you choose, I’ll be right there with you. If you want to stay as you are, that’s fine too. We’ve done so much together already.”

Eevee’s eyes met Kay’s, and in that moment, and understanding past between them. Evolution was a big step but there was no rush. They had time and for now being together on this journey was all that mattered.

The peaceful moment was interrupted by a certain rustle in the bushes. Both Kay and Eevee snapped to attention, their senses alert. Shadow moved just beyond the tree line, and Kay felt her heart quicken.

“ let’s check it out,” she whispered to Eevee, who nodded in agreement.

They approached cautiously, the forest suddenly feeling alive with potential. As they need the source of the noise, a flash of blue darted out from the underbush, revealing the sleek form of a Glaceon. The rare Pokémon, regarding them with intelligent eyes as if weighing its options.

Kay held her breath, wondering if this was the rare Pokémon she had heard about. But before she could reach for a Poke Ball, Eevee forward, is perks until wagging in a friendly curiosity.

The two Pokémon seemed to share a moment of recognition like kindred spirits. The Glaceons gaze softened, and it took a step closer, sniffing at Eevee, in a gesture of acceptance.

Kay relaxed, smiling at the interaction. She decided not to capture the Glaceon, sensing that this encounter was meant to be just that - a meeting of like minds, a fleeting connection in the vast world they explored.

After a few moments, the Glaceon turned and disappeared back into the woods, leaving Kay and Eevee standing in the clearing, the forest once again quiet around them.

Kay knelt down besides Eevee, her heard full. “That was amazing Eevee. I think we’re on the right path.”

Eevee chirped in agreement, its eyes shining with the shared excitement of their adventure.

As the Sun dipped lower in the Sky, Kay and Eevee continued on their journey, the bond between them stronger than ever. There would be more challenges ahead. More encounters. And perhaps one day a decision about evolution. But for now, they were content to walk this path together side-by-side with the promise of endless possibilities ahead.

I hope you all liked my little flash fiction about a day in the life of a Pokémon trainer. Thanks so much for this bounty, it was really cool to do something a little different. Of course, my Story had to include Eevee, who is my favourite Pokémon of all time. Kay it’s also a nickname that some of my friends call me, it’s a shortened version of my name, so if I was a trainer, this would probably be my Story!

Foolish_Imp's avatar

A long journey to be the best

“Wait! You’re serious, today?!”

“Yes, today’s the day. No longer are we mere boys, today we are men and our Pokémon journey begins”

“I thought we were waiting until we turned twelve?”

“I’ve changed my mind; traditions dictate that we leave at ten years of age, so we shall”

“But Gabe, why today?”

“Because of the great Ash Ketchum, of course”

Miles groaned, he should have known that would be the answer. His best friend was obsessed with the 25-year-old Pokémon master. If he had to guess, today was a significant date to the well-known trainer or he just won a youngest something award that Gabe felt he just had to beat. Whatever the case, Miles knew he wasn’t getting out of this one.

“But, but, I haven’t even packed or told my parents or-“

“Don’t worry Miles my dear pal, I’ve got all of that covered. I told both our parents yesterday. Your dad said he’d dig out his old tent for you” Gabe grinned from ear to ear and began dragging his friend along the path.

“We don’t even have our first Pokémon!”

“Relax, that’s where we’re headed now. I managed to convince Professor Oak to give us something unusual just like Ash”

Miles groaned once again, rubbing a hand down his face; none of this sounded like a good idea.


“So, you guys want to be like Ash Ketchum, huh? You know, it was I that gave him his Pikachu” Professor Oak boasted, typing on his keyboard.

“Oh, yeah! We’re totally aiming to surpass him as the best trainers from Pallet town!”

“Oh ho ho, quite a feat. Well I guess, young Gabe Snatchem and Miles Runnen, you two will need your first Pokémon”

Gabe was vibrating with excitement while Miles did his best to smile and nod. Feeding off the energy of Gabe, Professor Oak notes none of the weariness in Miles. With a hearty laugh, he hands the boys their Pokédexes and their first Pokémon.

“Go on then, see what you got” the professor encourages.

Gabe wastes no time, pushing the button on his poké ball. With a flash of light, a small Pokémon appeared before their eyes. They both stared at the creature in awe, neither boy had seen the small hamster looking Pokémon before.

“Now, you two wouldn’t normally be able to use your Pokédex for your Pokémon since they aren’t from our region. I went ahead and entered these manually so you two wouldn’t be left in the dark. Go ahead and give it a try”

They held up their Pokédexes and scanned the Pokémon in front of them, revealing it to be Morpeko. The Pokédex rattled off the basic information on Morpeko, although Gabe had stopped listening after the name.

“Come on Miles, call yours out” Gabe pushed, disrupting the other boy from listening to the entry.

Miles hit the button on his Poké ball and once again found himself looking at a foreign Pokémon. He wasn’t sure how he felt about Professor Oak willingly giving two new trainers completely unknown Pokémon, but he knew this couldn’t end well. The Pokédex revealed his Pokémon to be Toxel. He felt some relief to hear the device call his Pokémon the baby Pokémon so maybe it wouldn’t be so hard to handle.

“All right! We both got electric types, this is perfect” Gabe exclaimed.

The Professor gave them the rest of what they needed and sent them on their way.


“To Pewter City, lead the way Miles”

Miles adjusted his glasses and pulled out the map with a little grumble. He couldn’t believe their parents just let them go; they even had bags packed for them. While he was appreciative of the supplies, he felt betrayed that not one of the four adults read the silent pleas in his eyes and suggested they wait a little longer. To make matters worse, Toxel was already proving itself to not be a tame Pokémon as it popped out of its Poké ball for the fifth time.

“Toxel, return” He ordered shakily. It didn’t listen.

“Aw, you’re so lucky. Your Pokémon doesn’t listen to you just like Ash’s Pickachu didn't”

Miles squinted at his best friend, watching as he almost mockingly nuzzled cheeks with Morpeko.

This was going to be a long journey to be the best.

okayameji's avatar

excuse me, this is a story about one of the pokemon trainers in the series/game, or a story about me as a player of the pokemon game who trains the pokemon himself?

Ford James's avatar

Hi okayameji, it's up to you! You can craft your story with that prompt however you like.

AirGaram's avatar

As the morning light shined down in Moonwood Town, the gentle sunlight passed through the glass window of Lyra’s room casting a bright glow across the cream colored walls. Lyra stretched her body and yawned as she rose from her bed while the pink-colored sheets sliding off of her.

As her vision slowly cleared, Lyra saw a figure slowly floating towards her with a smile. Her partner Mana, a shiny Gardevoir who was glowing from the morning sunlight.

“Morning Mana” greeted Lyra with a sleepy smile as Mana closes in on Lyra as she invites her partner for an embrace.

Mana responded with glee, her smile widened as she floated faster towards Lyra. As the two of them reached each other, Lyra rested her head on Mana’s shoulder as Mana was wrapping her arms around her trainer.

The two shared an embrace for a while, enjoying a quiet moment. After a few moments together, Lyra moved around the room getting ready while Mana was standing by her side.

A few moments later after she finished getting ready, Lyra looked at Mana with a soft smile. “Let’s go Mana, we have a lot of things to finish for the day.”

Mana nodded her head with determined eyes as the two went out of the house.

As the two of them stepped out into the morning sun, their view was filled with a bustling town with plentiful gardens, each contained many vibrant colored flowers and other greenery. The gentle hum of the bug and fairy type pokemon roaming around the town and near the forest as well as the voices of the townspeople going about their day.

Lyra and Mana both walked towards their second home, The Moonwood Gym, a place that hold a very significant value to the two of them. The gym stood tall on the opposite side of the town near the forest and away from Lyra’s house. The architecture was blending seamlessly with the nearby forest as vines and flowers are hanging down the roof and flowerbeds tracing the path between the gym and the town center.

As the two went past the double door of the gym, the familiar sight of the large forest-like hall where trainers across the region would challenge her enters her view. The air inside was cold and refreshing compared to the outside. On the opposite side of the gym was another door leading to Lyra’s battle arena as well as her private garden where she often spent times with her pokemon.

Arriving at the center of the garden where a fountain lies, Lyra released her other pokemon from their pokeball. With bursts of light raining down, a Togekiss, Primarina, Ribombee, Grimmsnarl, and Tinkaton appeared, each let out a joyful cry.

“Good Morning everyone” Lyra said, her voice lets out a sense of affection. “Let’s have fun today shall we?”

Togekiss began to fly above the flowerbeds releasing a gentle wind. Primarina started singing, bringing a soft calming melody across the garden making the flowers sway to the tune. Ribombee floated above the fountain and released its sweet scent releasing a wonderful aroma around the air.

Grimmsnarl and Tinkaton were engaging in a lively game of tag around the garden. Tinkaton would use its large hammer to gently tap Grimmsnarl and would immediately run away while laughing, prompting Grimmsnarl to chase after it.

The tag that the two of them were playing brought a sense of companionship as well as their playfulness, showcasing their bond as well as their playfulness. Lyra couldn’t help but smile and chuckle as she witnessed their antics.

“Everyone looks to be having fun.” Lyra giggled as Mana slowly joined in adding merry to the atmosphere

After some time has passed, Lyra decided that it’s time to start their activities. Lyra stood up while stretching and shouted, “Alright everyone, let’s start today’s training.”

Each of her pokemon responded in a joyful glee. Togekiss began to soar high into the sky while Primarina began chasing and sang a melodic note. As Primarina was using her Sparkling Aria their sparring began. The large bubble of water created by Primarina was thrown towards Togekiss. The bubble, glistening due to reflecting the sunlight, began to show a wide variety of colors on the ground.

Togekiss responded by gracefully dodging the large bubble and counter with an Air Slash towards the bubble. As the bubble popped it released a wonderful soothing melody that resonated through the air.

Lyra watched the two of them sparring with sparkling eyes and a wide smile filled with affection, feeling proud of their attacks.

A few moments later, “That’s enough, you two!” Lyra shouted with a smile as the two pokemon stopped releasing their attacks. “Let’s change sparring partners.”

Each of her pokemon made a delightful cry, eager to test out their skills against each other. Ribombee buzzed through the arena and began using Bug Buzz towards Tinkaton who used Gigaton Hammer in a downward swoop to destroy the upcoming attack. Meanwhile Mana began charging up a powerful Moonblast towards Grimmsnarl as other began conjuring a Light Screen to try and block Mana’s attack. The burst of light created from the exchange illuminated the area.

As the sun reached it’s peak, everyone was visibly exhausted, “That’s amazing, everyone!” Lyra called out, her voice carrying a mix of joy and admiration. “Let’s take a break shall we?”

Just as Lyra wanted to continue speaking, she sensed a tense atmosphere and became alert as she scanned the area. “I think we’re going to have a new challenger.” Lyra said with excitement and anticipation clear within her voice when she noticed the entrance to the garden slowly opening. Her pokemon turned their heads following Lyra’s lead.

“Let’s greet them shall we?” Lyra said with sharp eyes and a wide smile, looking forward to the battle ahead.

"Welcome, trainer," Lyra spoke with an inviting smile as she stand in the centre of her garden, "Let's not dally and begin the battle shall we? I look forward to the bonds you and your pokemon would create."

taha's avatar

5am. Wake up. Meditate. Lift weights. Eat a Rage Candy Bar. Train with Brawly. Lift more weights.

6am. HOO! HAH! Sparring session with Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan and Hitmontop. At the same time.

7am. Breakfast. Moomoo Milk. Berries. Steak. Oats. Oran juice. Tea. Meditate. Deep breaths.

8am. Fly to Lavaridge Town and sit in the hot springs. Say hi to Flannery. Grab some charcoal from the old man in town.

9am. Eat another Rage Candy Bar because they're so delicious! Meditate in the highest caves of Victory Road. I feel calm.

10am. TRAINING! Hyaa! Jump rope with Onix. Push ups. Sit ups. Squats. I feel strong. Meditate.

11am. Chop wood with Machamp. Chop more wood with Machamp. Chop even more wood with Machamp. Done.

12am. Carve chopsticks from all the wood. Relaxing and therapeutic. I love how cool they look when they're all finished! Ahem. Grrr.

1pm. Lunch. Sushi. Rage Candy Bar. Rice. Delicious! Don't forget to feed my buddies too.

2pm. Time to go to work. Meditate.

3pm. Today was a bit different, we had a kid come in and challenge us but this one was different. He has a real fire inside him.

4pm. Battle over. I lost?! HOW?!? He's just that good, I guess.

5pm. Meditate. Losing is part of winning. It makes me happy seeing someone who can really bring the fight.

6pm. Another kid?! Lorelei's having a real rough day, huh? Alright, let's go again!

7pm. Woo! That was incredible. This kid is tough as rocks. I hope he's ready for what's in store for him. Come to think of it, that first kid kinda looks like the old Professor Oak...

8pm. Meditate. What did that other kid say his name was?

9pm. Watching the new champion and his first challenger battle it out. This is intense. Feels like there's some history here between these two.


11pm. What a great day. Can't wait to do it all over again. Goodnight, everybody.

Sav's avatar

Pokémon Researcher Diary Day One:

Today was the day I finally started my new job as a Pokémon Researcher at Hammerlocke University in the Galar Region!

After being back home in the leafy suburbs of Wyndon for almost a year it was nice to actually go back to Uni after so long and start my journey into becoming a Pokémon Professor.

I do miss being a Pokémon Ranger and living in Snowpoint City in the Sinnoh Region but the call of home was too strong after being there for over 11 years (not including the sandwich year placement).

My ex-partner Clara (Glaceon) and my second partner Lux (Luxray) are still with me and enjoying retirement.

It was so nice of them to send me off with my parents and youngest sibling early yesterday morning. They even saw me get the Monorail to Wyndon Station and they seemed to be happy that I was starting a brand-new adventure.

I’m going to miss them so much… 🙁


The commute down to Hammerlocke City via train wasn’t too bad and there weren’t any planned track closures today thankfully because the Corviknight Taxis would have been so busy and I would be late to clock-in and meet the team.

The team had asked me before I started what type I would research in and to be honest that was a hard one to decide at first because I didn’t really have a favourite type of Pokémon growing up.

Whilst I was on the train, I was scrolling on my Rotom Phone and a notification popped up and it took me to an album that was full of photos of Ghost Pokémon.

These photos were taken over the years and I then remembered that I am such a Noctowl to a point where I used to camp all-over and take photos of these Pokêmon at night.

I then started to write notes and did some light reading on my PokéDex App on Ghost Pokémon.

At the first meeting I told the team that I wanted to research Ghost Pokémon and I then was paired with two researchers who were experienced within that field and joined their team.

The day went really well as I got to know my new team and for my final task I was asked to catch a brand-new Partner Pokémon.

This wasn’t just for research purposes but this was an important tradition amongst those who want to become Professors.

Having a field trip on my first day wasn’t expected but I relished the chance of catching a Ghastly with my supplied Dusk Balls from my team.

Finding them wasn’t too hard as they hang out in the Wild Area next to the city by Hammerlocke Hills especially during foggy weather.

The weather at night was perfect with thick fog around and I was happy to hear their cries near my tent.

Catching one of them was easy and I was grateful that there were no Haunter and Gengar nearby because I didn’t have other Pokémon to battle them.

As I was approaching back to my tent a Mimikyu appeared and was very curious to see what I had caught, so I showed Ghastly and they seemed to be delighted.

I asked the Mimkyu if they wanted to join my team and I gave them the choice to do so by leaving one of my Dusk Balls next to it.

Finally, it was getting really late so I returned my Ghastly back into its ball and told Mimikyu that I hoped to see them in the Dusk Ball by the time I woke up…


Asim & Ash start their journey as pokemon trainers, both of them oversleep and miss their alarm clock to collect their pokemon. Ash gets a pikachu which is the same from the Anime, however Asim gets a stronger version, a beast, a Raichu!

Ash struggles to get his pikachu to get into the ball, whereas Raichu has no issues, Raichu thunderbolted all of those 30 spearow and Asim cought every single one of them as Ash was nearly pecked half to death

Pikachu almost got killed so Raichu had to recharge him, asim and ash venture through viridian forest catching every bug pokemon they see in hopes to train up for the pewter city gym badge

Ash tries first and his pikachu gets destroyed by the onix, however Asim's Raichu powers through the first attempt and onix is left in a pile of his own rocks. This theme continues throughout the whole Kanto Region where Asim's raichu steamrolls everything, even LT Surges Raichu and asim becomes champion

Ash eventually later catches up and beats the elite four. Leading to an ultimate 1 hour showdown between asims raichu and ash's pikachu, similar to the pikachu vs raichu in the anime with LT Surge, however this time, raichu wins every time. Raichu finally gets the credit he truely deserves!


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