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Makster's avatar

I was a big fan of the Pokemon Anime so I tried to make mine as canonical as possible

Sav's avatar

That team brings me back good memories of the first season ♥️

Sturmer's avatar

I'm rewatching it now with my son! just reached 50~ episode

Sav's avatar

I unfortunately stopped during the Hoenn Season. I have been loving the Horizons series though!

JHenckes's avatar

The first Pokemon game I played was Pokemon Emerald and because of the anime I loved catching all the pokemons that Ash caught hahaha, I was very little at the time, so I had no idea what was strong or weak, for me the important thing was to have the same pokemons as my favorite trainer. I remember Pikachu never leaving my team, as well as Charizard (who, by the way, was always my strongest pokemon).

Sav's avatar

Just curious to know which Charizard is your favourite?

Like form wise?

yan57436's avatar

My first pokemon was ruby, I was around 7 years old and to this day it's still the best in my mind haha. It was my first experience and obviously I didn't manage to beat it, but I've already gone back and completed my experience

Sav's avatar

I'm glad you have gone back and completed the game :)


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