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JHenckes's avatar

As much as he hits the player, he hits the ball first and the impact doesn't look like a foul. For me it wasn't a penalty, but I didn't think it was a robbery. Refereeing mistakes happen all the time, everywhere!

Wadd Enderas's avatar

I tried remain calm and not kneejerk into feeling outraged while watching the game, but felt simultaneously vindicated and disappointed when the MOTD pundits presented this opinion.

Refs do of course make mistakes but the frustration for me is how VAR can then agree with the on the pitch decision. Somehow, interpretation of video footage is still plagued by wild incosistencies.

Personally though, I don't think it's going to make a huge difference in the title race, with a potential 9 point gap to close I just can't see past Liverpool winning the title at this point.


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