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Also, open for GPS tracker suggestions, not just bluetooth.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Tbh I have always found Androids a massive pain in the bum, such small space on the phones, and they are slow, I had so many problems with Andorids during my anti-Iphone era, but then I switched to iPhone and never looked back.


If you pay me for an iPhone I'm going to buy one right away.

I asked for suggestions on trackers similar to airtags that works with androids and experiences using these trackers, not on your android or apple experiences.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Was simply commenting on a post mate, no need for rudeness.


No need for out of topic comments either :)

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Hey Alex Sinclair

Would you please remind this person about our community's code of conduct?


Yes, let's call in the mods since you aren't getting me to bow to you.

Alex Sinclair wouldn't the person above original comment, which isn't on topic with the original discussion, count as a "Abuse of Engagement"? It feels like the person above commented just to comment for the organic rewards, without even stopping to consider that their comment wasn't on topic. On the opposite, Horror and Cats' comment was on topic.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey both. I don't think either of you intended to cause offence here. Disagreements are going to happen, but let's do our best to keep it friendly and not assume anyone's intentions. Can we make this a handshake and move on?

Horror and Cats's avatar

Phone carriers used to have GPS tags with LTE connectivity available. Back when I had an Acura which was stolen several times, I had one I’d keep in the car. Maybe try looking at “other devices” on your cell carrier website?

Only thing with those is they aren’t place-and-forget. The batteries were good, but you DID still have to charge them here and there.


Apparently my phone carrier launched a tag around 2021... but it looks like they discontinued it somewhere between then and now, so phone carrier is a no go.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Dang. Sorry, that was my only idea.

Have you looked into Tiles? Evidently they work in both iOS and Android. I think they function exactly like AirTags, but I’ve never researched them.


Well, it was worth a shot as I didn't think of it. The Tiles are one of the top alternatives I found googling around.


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