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Horror and Cats's avatar

(Rubs hands together like Mr. Burns) Ultra settings here I come…

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I'd be playing Minecraft on ultra settings with full shaders, like I was running around the real world in a game, hands down, no contest (yes I am easily impressed).

Sturmer's avatar

I'm set on creating an accurate weather forecast model, as I've grown weary of the seemingly random guesses by those charlatans. It's high time for a more reliable approach to predicting the weather!

Sturmer's avatar

Oh, I wonder which name they gonna give it? Takshashila Node or maybe Indra's Network?

Paul's avatar

Probably look at funny cat videos and memes 🤷🏼‍♂️

Alex Sinclair's avatar

So in conclusion, we've got cat memes, Minecraft, and weather forecasting. Glorious  😃


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