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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I still have my iPod, all three of them, and my mini disk player as well, I mean they are broken but, I have a box labeled "old tech" and I don't throw them out, I know it's weird but yeh.


aww good call! Awww mini disc damn I loved mine! I Remeber thinking it was gonna be the next big thing lol I even got a cd player that had a mini disc player in it, was a kenwood, was an absolute beauty lol then mini discs flopped lol

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Oh, I still have my Goodman Cd Player and the headphones, it still works :P I honestly thought mini disks would be the next big thing but they couldn't figure out the size issue back then, The tech was too behind, imagine now though, a mini disk could be like 50 GB and such!

Horror and Cats's avatar

I love my mini-cassette voice memo recorder. As a kid I used to do little radio shows on it with sound effects. It was my first experience with editing, really. Also, NOTHING beats the sound of the tape popping out to the side at the click of a button.

Makster's avatar

I think I've flirted with an old iPod in the past and cranking in loads of albums but I think spotify is just too convenient for party play. Also have you checked out a YT channel called DankPods- he does a lot of interesting things with iPods including modding them with larger capacities and is also an hilarious Australian.Probs a nice turntable/Hi-Fi with speakers - something about it is incredibly nostalgic to me however I know I won't end up using any vinyl as Spotify reason above.


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