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Sturmer's avatar

Not with the current stack of technologies. I believe they made many safety compromises to reduce weight.

Anyway, we are unable to navigate in a single plane, how we do that in 3D on a mass scale?

Damien Mason's avatar

I don't trust other drivers in the X and Y space; screw adding a Z axis into the mixture...


on another note when i was a kid i did genuinely think we would have flying cars by now in the year 2024!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Same... but sadly the world we are living in right now is not suitable for all the things which were imagined in the 70-80s sci-fi movies and books :(

Before we let anyone fly cars with anything in their car boot, can I please bring a bottle of water aboard an airplane? Really can't see flying cars happening while we still need (?) ridiculous security measures on an airplane...

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

Literally just read an article on this on the BBC website, IMO and with the greatest of respect, considering 80% of drivers in the UK are idiots. So this is just death waiting to happen IMO. We simply don't have the coordinated intelligence for this, people would just fly where they wanted to, and the danger level of this is astronomical.

Again I mean no disrespect, but we are not advanced enough for this.


AI Pilots? muhahaha sorry had to as i know your concerns over AI!


"and the pilot on today's flight is our lovely friend the T-800"

Makster's avatar

we've had flying cars for a while. They're called Helicopters

foxywas's avatar

Flying cars sound cool until you realize that there are going to be some HEAVY regulations because using these would be pretty dangerous. There are already restrictions, air traffic control regulations, and safety protocols in place. And this is for trained flying professionals, imagine how much infrastructure and restrictions would need to be placed on the general public!


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