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Sturmer's avatar

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For more details, check out the TechRadar article.

Damo's avatar

Privacy is the main reason I switched from Android to Apple a few years ago, and looked to remove Google services from my daily life as possible. It truly shocked me when I downloaded all of my Google data and realised just how much information they kept.

I don’t want to start a fan boy argument, no company is perfect, and Apple have issues of their own, but the approach to privacy and the ability to protect your data was a real boost to me, such as Private relay, private browsing that’s truly private, hide my email etc. It’s a shame that many of Apple’s stock apps are just not quite as good as Google’s, but I’ll take that compromise.

Specifically Google Maps and the changes. Presumably the information on device would be encrypted, so it would take criminals with specialist tools to gain access to. But combine this with the ability to root Android devices, opening them up to dangerous apps and I can see how this could present an issue. I agree with OP that if privacy really is important to you in a Google ecosystem then turning off location services remains the best solution.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

I like, but doesn´t affect me.
Like i have sport watch which already tracks more than google about my body.

Also most of the adverstisment isn´t worth it.
--> Woah a Otter Mama USB Hub... Express buy? yes!
See, i am totally in control of my life.
--> Wait you can have a pet stone with it... nice!
You just need to stop buy everything...!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

With all due respect, the second you start using apps online, you can kiss goodbye to your personal data being private, no one ever reads the "Terms And Conditions" and each one states the same thing clearly "Our company blah blah reserves the right to share data" - it's always the same, all these privacy worries, are pointless, if you don't want your data shared, then go live in the woods without internet, because everything from phones to computers to CCTV is shareable under 99% of terms and conditions.


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