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Lanah Tyra's avatar

Oh this looks interesting! My grandpa used to convert the bathroom into a lab with red light and develop film at home, it was so much fun! On our phones we make so many pictures, lots of them blurry, and then we never really look at them again... it had it's charm to have 24-36 shots on a holiday, you had to think what you photographed and even then it could have turned out ruined by sunlight or having someone's finger covering half the picture.

Sturmer's avatar

It's very expensive to run your own lab; it takes time and creates a lot of waste.

Even if you have all the lab equipment and chemicals, it still costs about $20 for 36 shots, and with good film, it can go up to a hundred.

And if someone else is processing your negatives, then it's even more expensive, and... why bother?

Buy an SD card with 1 GB for 2 euros, fill it with junk, and leave space for just 36 slots, and you will have the same limitation and experience.


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