Saw an interesting conversation on Twitter, so I thought I would bring it here. We can agree or disagree with it, but for a change it is a civil discussion which rarely happens on Twitter anymore. Here is the original post:
And my thoughts:
probably there is a reason why Discord implemented the forum feature if you make a community server. Still a lot of long-established servers are hard to convert into this new feature. I'm currently making a new server and even before coming across this conversation, I was going to make a forum section for all the important things to share with people, label them so they are searchable inside Discord.
As someone who was running a gaming community forum before I can say though a forum can only be a good library for information if it's kept tidy and structured, and that's a lot of work on the admins. Like for example I don't use the FFXIV official forums at all. That place is... wild to put it nicely.
The only huge problem I see with Discord is that people keep making their own and there might be multiple Discords around the very same specific topic / community, and if you want to be part of it all, you need to join multiple servers. But unless we are talking about official forums, this was the case with fan-made forums as well, just maybe there were less people with enough time on their hands to start one, unlike now.
What is your preferred source of information? Forums, Discord, Reddit, websites? Or wherever Google takes you with a search?
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