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Lanah Tyra's avatar

My laptop is Asus as well and been one of the best investments I made.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Good to know! It’s my first one of the brand but the reviews are overwhelmingly positive. It’s also a 14” which is very appealing to me. I love a small laptop

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Mine is 15" as I prefer having the full keyboard, and that's better size for me to use without an external screen. But it's my 2nd Asus gaming laptop and they have been both very reliable. My main reason for getting my first one from them was that at the time (at least in Hungary) they were the only ones making laptops with AMD CPU, and I have a preference for that.

Horror and Cats's avatar

This is ALSO my first AMD CPU so I’m really interested to see if I can feel that multitasking difference!


beautiful.... picks please when it arrives!

Makster's avatar

What was the damage to your wallet?

Horror and Cats's avatar

Lanah Tyra MURRRAAAAY got it today.

I put it through its paces playing AND recording Sekiro at 2880x1800. Got very hot hence being on the fan pad, but zero slowdown. I’m in love!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Looks nice! Yeah mine can get quite hot as well when I'm pushing its limits, so it sits now constantly on a cooler pad with 6 fans :D I usually just do 1080p when playing and recording on it. But when I'm playing on the PC it can handle the streaming and recording with Elgato capture in 2k

Vivisector's avatar

I would prefer another color, but for the rest is a true good laptop but maybe for editing you should choose an intel version.


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