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Makster's avatar

Ironically I got the opposite of tech - more analog gifts.
Vinyl, a manga, and an artbook

Rich's avatar

One question I've always wanted to ask a vinyl fan: have they managed to get rid of all the crackling and popping? My dad had a massive record collection but I always regarded digital audio as an improvement because it sounded cleaner, and as a kid I probably didn't appreciate the added warmth or richness of sound that vinyl fans talk about.

Makster's avatar

they have! Depends on your set up and speakers etc. but they all sound wonderful now

Perfect for sitting by the fireplace with the tree on, spinning vinyl with a coffee and book

Horror and Cats's avatar

I got myself an Asus gaming laptop. 4070 RTX, 32GB of RAM, and an AMD Ryzen 9 8945HS CPU


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