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Video Games

Video Games
Thomas's avatar

I haven't been grabbed by as much this year as last year, but it's an easy Zelda win for me

Dave's avatar

Really liking Dave the Diver, perfect steamdeck game.

Craig's avatar

Have played embarrassingly few of these, and the ones I have (Hi-Fi Rush and Redfall) did absolutely nothing for me. Hadn't heard about Dave the Diver until seeing it mentioned a few times on here so will make it top of my to-play list.

I guess, by default in being the only new game I've really enjoyed so far this year, my favourite is Sunshine Shuffle. Bit of a bonkers choice, but cute animals / underground poker sim / unhinged plot was definitely up my street. Strange Scaffold are consistently making some of the weirdest and best games at the moment.

LukewarmGravity's avatar

TotK for me.

Hi-fi Rush needs more love though.

Thomas's avatar

Hi-Fi Rush and Pentiment really make me lament not having an Xbox. I'd get a Series S if it had a disc tray but it doesn't so I've just gotta wait til I can justify buying an X

MrTomFTW's avatar

I've played so much Street Fighter 6, it's not even funny

Thomas's avatar

I got that the other day, and man it's so good. I'm not good, though, but I've definitely seen progress. I'm basically going all-in on Chun Li for now, I wanna be an expert


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