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Video Games
Rich's avatar

I used to love Caesar III and Pharaoh. Never played Zeus though. Did you see Nebuchadnezzar? Totally new game in the style of these classics.

As for the remake, I'd love to see a modern take on Black and White, maybe done as a fusion of classic god game and city builder. Modern city builders are brilliant but I feel like there's room to push the boundaries a bit!

tinny_three's avatar

Yeh, I gave it a go when it was in Early Access IIRC, but it didn't do it for me. Might try again.

Same with Lethis: Path of Progress.

I think both of them look at the core mechanics of the Sierra titles and say 'we do that too' (notably the walkers as a way to spread stuff around the city, and using roadblocks and walls in interesting ways). I think the Anno games are the spiritual successors of the Sierra titles in terms of the mechanics like this, so they don't need repeating.

All of them, so far as I've seen, fail to capture the magic that those games had - the feeling of being close to the gods, and of the spectacular growth of ancient civilisations.

MrTomFTW's avatar

The 1986 classic (and I use that term loosely)


Not because it's good to play, not because it pushed the ZX Spectrum to the limits, not because it's memorable or important in any way. Just for the name

Thomas's avatar

Appropriately given my avatar, I'd love to see remakes of the Sonic Adventure games. They would need to be good, though, and Sega don't have the best track record with that sort of thing. But if they did it well, and smoothed over the rough edges of the originals, I think they could be something really special.

Dave's avatar

I bought a Dreamcast from Woolworths on it's first weekend on sale. There were a couple of workers that had been positioned to big it up and try and sell it to everyone walking by telling everyone how great it was. Apart from they were doing a terrible job because as I was trying to get them to hand one over they kept telling me how badly it had been selling so far in the store, that they had loads to shift and everyone kept telling them they were waiting for the PS2 instead.

I got Sonic Adventure for it and loved it. There were so many great games on the Dreamcast, probably my favourite console I ever owned, closely followed by the gamecube.

Thomas's avatar

I got it for Christmas that year and it took a LOT of convincing my parents (I'd only got a PS1 the Christmas before), but I've probably never been so excited to get a new console. It was short lived and there aren't a tonne of games for it, but I don't think Sega have ever been more creative and fun than they were during that time. It's a real shame that it flopped, but the power of PlayStation was just way too strong at that time, and after the Saturn I guess it was just too little too late

Lyn's avatar

Jill of the Jungle. I must have played through episode one a hundred times or more and muscle memory is still strong enough to get me through it. Updated graphics would be a treat!

Philip's avatar

I loved that Triple Triad mini game in Final Fantasy 8. I reckon it'd be neat to have this sort of feature built into more games.


Well they already made C&C Remastered, Pharoah was redone. Those are my two and thankfully we can enjoy them in remastered glory now.

Dave's avatar

One of my favourite games on the Amiga was K240 by Gremlin, I tried the old Fragile Allegiance on pc which was similar but didn't get on with it. I am keeping an eye on one called Fragile Existence on steam but not sure if it will ever actually release (or be any good).

MrTomFTW's avatar

Oh I remember K240! I only played a demo of it though. I probably still have that cover disk somewhere now I think about it.


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