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Video Games

Video Games
Dave's avatar

Installed the massive free trial yesterday. Played for a lot longer than I was intending to, I can already feel it drawing me in. Will see how it goes though as I only like to play these type of games very casually and in a mostly solo way (other than random partying up/working together for short moments), not any of the complicated organised stuff.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I hope you will enjoy! They have a Duty Support system now for all dungeons needed for the main story, where you can take NPCs with you instead of going with other players, so you can totally play it in your own pace alone. And if you want company you just queue in for the dungeon and get matched up with others.

The beginning of the game is 10 years old so sometimes you can feel it's going a bit slower, especially around lvl 50 the transition between The Realm Reborn and Heavensward, but they already made it a lot better for people who are trying to catch up now with everything.


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