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Video Games
Dave's avatar

I did download it yesterday and gave it a go today but I'm confused what it's supposed to be. Was under the impression it was a new game/story in the FFVII universe but it just looks to be FFVII remake pocket edition.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

It has 3 playable stories at the moment and more stories will he added later. You have to start with the first few missions of FFVII (indeed it's a pocket edition of Remake) then you'll unlock the FFVII Crisis Core story, and after a few chapters it will unlock the new story FFVII First SOLDIER which is about young Sephiroth.

I'm not sure why they locked this behind having to complete a few chapters from the other stories, as I know most people (myself included) were mostly excited in the new story. I don't mind playing the other stories though to get to it as I love FFVII but didn't have that much time during the week and it was driving me mad. Will get to it today :)


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