Everyone's favourite historico-mythological stab-fest returns with Assassin's Creed Mirage! Almost 16 years since the first AC, Ubisoft has taken a step back from the open-world epics of Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla, returning to the series' roots both in location (the Middle East) and game design. Mirage looks to be a more contained experience with a tighter story and fewer side activities.
We want to know if, on first impressions, it's all working for you! The game hasn't been out for long, so give us your knee-jerk thoughts - or hot takes, if you have any - on everything that Mirage has to offer.
We'll pay the best entries $2 apiece and there are plenty of rewards on offer, so don't be shy! Just a paragraph or two is fine - 200 words maximum, or two minutes of video if you'd rather. If you want to leave a more thoughtful analysis than that, check out our full review bounty.
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