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Video Games
Boomer's avatar

I have absolutely no idea what this is, but this seems like my jam!

Where would someone play this nowadays, or is it lost to time at this point?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Other than abandonware, your best bet is an old disc on eBay. I can't recommend it highly enough though!

Boomer's avatar

Thanks for the heads up. Failing that, are there any other games that have captured the spirit of Future Cop: LAPD?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Ooof, not sure about that. Let me get back to you!

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Yes, loved the splitscreen Player VS Player. Also the swap from Robo to hover... ohhh. Does it have a HD Remake? Because i prefer to keep the memory rather than destroying it with the bad graphics bla bla.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Welcome to Los Angeles Rookie, the City of angels. No Angels are here anymore


Don´t tell me it didn´t hook you :P

Beside Ace Acombat 2 these are one of my entry games of the PS from my cousin. which was placed at my grandmas house. Oh these memorys. <3

And we don´t talk about Resident Evil... or my age to this time.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Yes Kane! I'm so glad you know it. There is this fan-made reboot in the works

Yes Kane! I'm so glad you know it. Sadly, no official remastering. There is this fan-made reimagining on Steam, although they've been pre-Alpha for a while and progress is very slow. I was pleased to see on that Josh Strife Hayes video that the graphics haven't aged too poorly

Michael's avatar


I only have fractured memories of it but I seem to remember that it could transform? And there was one weapon which just made the whole thing an absolute cakewalk 😂

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I feel like this could be the beginning of something. Hands in the middle for the Future Cop Revivalist Movement.

That's right, you could transform from a flying car to a mech suit. I suspect the weapon you're talking about was the hidden K-9 weapon - essentially little dog drones that you shoot out in rapid fire and they seek out enemies before exploding. If you liked it, you should check out that video - it was a real nostalgia buffet.


OMG, i absolutely loved this game back in the day on PS1, loved taking over the turrets and stuff, was such a fun , underrated game!


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