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Video Games

Video Games
Boomer's avatar

That's definitely my sort of game!

Also helps that I recently watched through The Last Kingdom, so there's the overwhelming urge to build fortresses and unite the land. 🐎🛡️⚔️🏰

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I think I have the urge to build fortresses and unite the land at least twice per day.


yeah that looks great fun! love a good strategy game! Would love to see more RTS though like command and conquer etc make a comeback!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I enjoyed C&C style RTS games very much. I'm sad so much of the genre seems to have been relegated to mobile games and nostalgia ports.

tinny_three's avatar

I'll be picking it up for sure.

Has been on my radar for a long old time!

Rupert's avatar

A million sales in 24 hours! The most impressive solo-dev effort since Minecraft?

Any early impressions?

Dave's avatar

Using my payouts from here, I recently signed up to 25 months of gamepass ultimate just for pc gamepass (Xbox live to ultimate conversion is half the price of pc gamepass still).

Really surprised to see Manor Lords is on pc gamepass so I will be downloading it and trying it out. It's been on my steam wish list for ages. This also means the player numbers are probably decent on the Xbox app as well, not just steam.

Dave's avatar

lack of crop rotation will worsen soil fertility

So it turns out all those lessons at school on the 4 crop rotation method were useful after all!


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