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Video Games
Seán 's avatar

Alan Wake, Dead Space, Little Nightmare, PT and that ghost mission from Rugrats: Search for Reptar. These are my favourite and also the extent of my horror knowledge. So as a self-proclaimed scaredy cat I’m properly not the right person to ask this question. But there is one more that has managed to become a horror game I actually love. That game is alien Isolation.


In the game you play as Amanda Ripley’s daughter of original Alien film Ellen Ripley you learn of the flight recorder of her mother's ship the Nostromo is located. Christopher Samuels offers you a place on the retrieval team and hopefully some closure to what happen to your missing mother. I liked the story. Ailen is properly my favourite horror movie of all time. It took place in a time frame I found Interesting. Overall thumps up.


The Gameplay takes a stealthier approach which I’m all for. Never accrued to me but stealth is tailor made for horror. It works so well. When not hiding from the Alien you will spend your dodging Androids, Humans and Face huggers. Combat is possible but with the other games arsenals being more extend in other games it is frowned upon in Isolation. The coolness but also fear of the motion tracker pulling it up to see it were the alien is. God the feeling then the sound is close and blip is in the middle. It manages to be helpful and make me fearful at the same time. Love it.

But it felt like a revelation to me. Yes, this is horror. I’m not some Action Hero with an arsenal of War machine from Iron man where my shooting skills are put to the test. It is my stealth wit and a little bit of luck that has to get me thru.


Love the 80’s idea of what the future would be, and a massive shout out to sound design form the music to the sounds of the ship. Sound of a spanner falling, pipes busting, gas catching fire to   the music getting musicy (that a word) (right?). It feels like the Dev team had a love for the source material. Every nook and cranky feels authentic to the universe. Seriously the sound design should have its own class in video game school.


But the Xenomorph. A constant treat that is always looming. Up to this point horror games have felt very ghost train to me. Go from A to B all the way to Z which is fine, works perfectly well. But with the Xenomorph you can’t just throw your ammunition at it. You have to learn to live with it. I began to learn to adapt with it. Even being able to use it to my advantage against enemies. In that moment I released I wasn’t afraid of it anymore. Don’t get me wrong I still get jump scared face huggers are the worst thing known to man. But the fear of the Xenomorph was gone. For the first time in a horror game, I didn’t just get to the end I felt like I wasn’t afraid. I felt I had conquered a fear. No game did that to me before. So that why I think Alien Isolation is the best horror game of all time.

Sadly, just like Half Life 2 and Ape Escape 3 a squeal is out of reach. This amazing team has been disbanded, and as excited as I am for Daredevil: Born Again it won’t be Season 4. So, in a weird way I’m glad this game won’t get a squeal. It doesn’t need it. It is the closest to perfect horror game I have ever played.

Samuel's avatar

Imagine the gruesome enemies of Silent Hill Now combine that with the atmosphere of Resident Evil

Now you have The Evil Within 2 (Which was free on Epic Games just a moment back)

I could easily say that there are very few games that can hold a candle to this game which should be the benchmark for horror games.

Stunning graphics. Immersive story. Harrowing enemies. Perfect dialogue

One clear objective: Find your daughter.

The game is laid out in a semi-open-world environment, which combined with the fantastic storyline, gives the player a great depth of exploration through the eerie world, creating a more dynamic experience. It also allows the player to approach all situations their own tactfully way, emphasizing a lot on resource management and stealth (Although, if you're into blasting enemies to kingdom come, there are some 'cheats' in-game, which is pretty nice)

What sets the game apart is how the devs combined psychological horror and intense action, which brings out the best of both genres. You will be constantly unsettled thanks to the fantastic graphics, grotesque abominations and gruesome scenes for a truly terrifying experience.

(Just a hint, don't play with earphones on really loud volume in a dark room... a good afterthought. The audio is spatial and fantastic as well)

In summary, The Evil Within 2 is the best horror game I've played to date, and really recommend anybody looking for a bit of fun (and of course, a few scares) to try this game out and immerse yourself into the nightmarish world.

(P.s If you're a bit scared, just turn on infinite stamina and one hit kills... I did haha)

Letitia Lemon's avatar

I don't typically play horror games because I'm such a coward and my poor anxiety-ridden heart cannot take the stress of staying alive in those games! But, having said that, I LOVE watching other people play them and I can list a few that are iconic like FNAF, Resident Evil (VII in particular), The entire Dark Pictures Anthology, Dead Space... but I think the most effective horror game I've seen is probably Alien: Isolation. The Xenomorph is such an iconic creature that terrifies people by its mere presence alone, but the way it interacts with the environment, how it tracks the player and how relentless it is in this game truly keeps you on edge the entire time playing- whether you hear its footsteps in the distance, see its tail drag along through a doorway, spot the dribbling spit from a ceiling vent... you never know where you might encounter this deadly predator.. because it can be anywhere at any moment. The title of the game alone really does emphasise how scary the game is... you ARE isolated, you're on your own and you have to figure out the best way to survive with this contant threat following you wherever you go, listening to your every sound... literally. The microphone feature was a nicely added touch that further encourages players to keep calm and stay stealthy. Patience and tactic are key to surviving the game and it feels so incredibly immersive; which is why I absolutely will NEVER, EVER play it!

MacGybo's avatar

Silent Hill. There was nothing like it when it came out. The ash / snow falling from the sky. The emotional wrench of the missing daughter. The fog and mist. The mysterious town. Then the horror of the dark, the awkward, broken-bodied monsters, the other-worldly night-time. The menace and the not knowing what was around the next corner led to a level of terror beyond the capabilities of many horror movie makers.

So atmospheric. I still get chills when I see screenshots.


Resident evil is ththe bbest horror game it action packed and full if scary stufstuff .It has monsters zombies blood and violence.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Written!!! This is my nemesis.

What is the best horror game of all time? it's hard to say when I was a child like all the games which had the aspect of Horror I couldn't play in the night and if I was done playing in the night I was scared about the monster under my bed. Like touching my feet if it was not under the blanket. Or it is staring out of the dark at me.

Maybe I should tell you that I watched Alien when I was 14 and I was living in the basement. Because I found it kind of cool living in the basement but since I watched Alien 3 with the space station on the planet…. yeah it was kind of a problem to sleep some nights down there.

So I cannot tell you what was the best horror game of all time, like I could say it is Resident Evil,Doom or any other of these games which have the expectation to shock you. But since I'm 32 I lost this aspect of this game like you cannot shock Me Anymore.

For me the best horror game depends on the age, like how much experience you have in life and how much you get affected to be sucked into the game.

And then once you get sucked into the game, that's the best experience you can have if time gets meaningless for you during playing. That means that everything is alright and you still run the fantasy level in your heart and you go on and on and on and then something SNAP.

You stop playing for a moment because you got shocked. Your heart rate is going up. You are sweating and this was an awesome time and I think the last time I had this….

Like really good and intense was probably with DOOM, single player, dark room, loud noises and the shaking seat and this game really try´s to fuck up your mind. Yes it's scripted but hell it was a very good time.

Should i mention which Half Life 2 was not sold to under 18 years.. but good games will always come to you :P

But you want to know which scares me the most these days....

People playing on Cellphone and call themself Gamers. This is real sick.


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