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Video Games

Video Games

very interesting, seems to be a lot of movement going on in the videogame industry in general right now.... wonder what this all means for the future

Boomer's avatar

This is pure speculation on my part, but I think this is more reflective of an events business that expanded into journalism right before the pandemic. I can't imagine the pandemic was good for ReedPop's cashflow, so it could simply be them stripping down to their core business - events.

The Gamer Network is a well respected collection of brands, so I'm sure they'll get snapped up - and I'm not just saying that because my current employer was the founder!

Seán 's avatar

One of my dreams was (still is) to work within the Gamer Network. Outside xbox was the first Youtube channel I subscribed too. When Gametrailers closed down Eurogamer became my go too for gaming news. I agree with @Boomer Pop reed always kind of felt like a weird fit and the Pandemic was properly a massive glitch to plan. Does bring up the value of crowdfuning (Kinda Funny, Easy Allies.) Lastly huge respect to every one at Gamer Network. Hope whatever happens in the future that everyone lands on there feet.

Boomer's avatar

Shoutout to Kinda Funny!

Rupert's avatar

I have a few thoughts on this, as you might expect... but I will wait until it's all finalised before sharing any opinions! I am hopeful that the sites & team find a good home, though. They deserve it.


Not been a great year for Reedpop overall really so not that surpised. Still, some great properties there that have stood the test of time. Not tempted Rupert? ;)

Rupert's avatar

If I had a dollar for every time I've been asked that today... I still wouldn't be able to afford it 😉


I bet the phone was ringing over this though ;) Looking forward to hearing your take on it when the dust settles.


Could you not just buy Eurogamer by itself, and then maybe look towards getting the A Team back together again - starting with hiring Simon Parkin as the Editor In Chief?

Thomas's avatar

Having previously worked there I'm never quite sure on where exactly the line is on what I should and shouldn't say about it, but I do hope that they find a good buyer that respect the work they do and retain the sites and their staff


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