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Video Games
Letitia Lemon's avatar

So, as someone who also works as an actor/entertainer and immersive theatre performer, I LOVE anything that brings a fictional world into the real one. I've had an idea for years that I could just never figure out how to make happen but it could be a way to market a new game as well as just being an incredibly fun experience. With it being an in-person idea though, ways to record and share it with the world, without spoiling the whole experience for people wanting to visit, would also be considered through some cleverly edited videos and teaser images to encourage people to visit for themselves. So, what is that idea?

A Pokemon immersive show! Now, to make this some sort of marketing strategy for a new game, there could be some adjustments made to it but I've had the overall idea, in several formats, for a long time. Think bright and colourful sets that budding trainers walk through which showcase some of the landscapes of a new region- screens showing Pokemon living in their habitats happily, plushies decorating each area... but how to tweak this into promoting a new game? Well... perhaps there are actors dressed up as new gym leaders using old Pokemon of the type of gym they'd represent (as to not spoil the whole roster of new Pokemon) and trainers can battle them at kiosks set up throughout the experience to earn souvenir badges of what the actual gym badge would be... maybe the "gym leaders" even use dual-type Pokemon to keep players guessing as to who they might be and which typing they represent. And as players make their way through the experience, the new villainous team is teased with their logos dotted about, their motives hinted at through the narrative, maybe even a couple of actors dressed in the uniforms too before they disappear into obscurity to work on their evil plans... and at the end of the experience? The new starter reveals!

Pokemon, being the largest grossing media franchise in the world, has come up with a lot of fun ways to promote their products for years and something like this would be a dream come true for a Pokefan who is also a performer. I was inspired by things such as the old Pokemon Live musical from the late 90's, the "real" Pokemon gym that a Pokemon youtuber created, Pokemon Go utilising augmented reality, and even the Pokemon centre popup stores with costumed characters promoting them.

Boomer's avatar

That's such a cool idea! I love it when marketing brings in-game items as real-world collectibles, and Pokémon is perfectly suited to this. I'd love to collect the badges 😁

Letitia Lemon's avatar

I just love any sort of immersive shows and I'd pictured myself hosting a big Pokemon event dressed up as a Pokemon Professor and telling the audience about the world of Pokemon before they set off on their "journey". I even have a fitting last name to go along with the tree/vegetation theme of the mainline professors! So, why not make a whole immersive walk-through show- perhaps even a carousel theatre show about the franchise? It feels like something that could work- given some of the other incredible things the Pokemon franchise has done over the years.

And, of course, collectible gym badges is a MUST! I do have a couple of sets already but having them being given out or even earned at an event would make them even more special.

avrona's avatar

With the trend of famous actors playing roles in games, they really used be utilised more. I think a cool idea would be some contest, or just a random campaign, where the actor shows up and plays some of the game with you. Imagine playing through a bit of Cyberpunk 2077 but with a real-life Silverhand yapping into your ear.

Boomer's avatar

I could see that happening around major conventions, where the actor could then go on to do a panel or something.

Scrbzy's avatar

I've always thought that it would be cool to do a series of interactive haunted houses to tie into a franchise like Resident Evil or even Silent Hill P.T. Although I imagine there would be a very real chance of people developing PTSD from the latter.

Imagine walking through a location seen in the game where you have zombies or ghosts jumping out at you, you could even model it like the first scene/mission and upon completion you would be given a code alongside a chance at buying the game at a discounted price. The code could let you start from where you finished in the house IRL.

You would have to have the resources to build popup locations of course and I think it's one of those that sounds cool in theory but might not translate that well into real life.

Boomer's avatar

Oh they'd definitely need to get people to sign a waiver, because I think I'd have a heart attack if I went in 😂 Love it!

Scrbzy's avatar

Myself included mate, would be hard for me to take anything in relevant to the game, I would be running around screaming 😂

Philip's avatar

No Man's Sky publicity stunt

When you start a game in No Man's Sky, you start in an Orange space suit and you find yourself on an alien world with your crashed ship (the Radiant Pillar BC1) that you need to repair.

The publicity stunt I'm thinking of would be to create replicas of the crashed ship and place them in public locations, with special effects of them sparking and smoking. There will be someone in a space suit asking passersby for parts and materials to repair their ship.

These supplies will be available from aliens hanging around the area (perhaps with challenges to earn them). Collect all the necessary parts and return to the Astronaut to get a copy of the game, a poster or maybe a T-shirt.

Boomer's avatar

Could you imagine having to explain that to your boss? Like you're late to work because you were sidetracked by an alien and ended up repairing a space ship!?

Philip's avatar

I'd take photo evidence lol

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

So for me, this is quite an easy one, originally CCP Created Dust514 and this was a huge hit but, the circumstances are not quite, fitting for the continued run on it. So now, we have the new FPS Vanguard coming, so how to market this for maximum effect?

So obviously this game is based in the future and I think, a good stunt for this could be the following... With the game's main server being located in London, this is a great city for publicity stunts.

So, with the launch date they could in effect, build an IRL model of said ship within Vanguard, park it up in Trafalgar Square, and then they could hire people to dress up as Vanguard Soldiers/Squad Mates. You could add a huge banner "Vanguard Release Today" and have CCP devs on site, with a limited number of say, free game codes, and cosmetic codes, on hand to discuss the game, and other games they do. Have say, one-time cosmetics for people who turn up to the event itself to lure existing Eve Online players there for a good turnout, maybe make it a three-day event?

Anyway, that's my idea :)

Boomer's avatar

It'd be so funny seeing people come out of the National Gallery and seeing a ship parked in Trafalgar Square. They're probably not EVE Online fans, but I think that'd be a benefit by creating something so absurd it has to be shared!

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

Oh, deffo! Imagine the look on people's faces "omg wth is that!"

GameofBeardz's avatar

The Sims 5

To Celebrate the launch of The Sims 5, EA is choosing 5 lucky fans of the series to live in a Sims House of their own for a whole week with the other 4 randomly selected applicants. (Think Big Brother for those countries that have that show!)

A televised event that runs 24/7, where 5 applicants live in a house for a whole week but what they do, what they can eat, is all decided by viewers votes! Applicants advise how they are feeling using dedicated screens around the house at any time and viewers decide how to run their lives.. and their needs, right from the comfort of their couch (or chair!)

Celebrity guests will appear over the course of the week including, most importantly, Death himself.

Contestants should not be shocked to find doorways suddenly removed or ladders suddenly disappearing from the pool as soon as they get in.

Sims 5 is officially launched when contestants exit the house after the allotted weeks time.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

There are these craftsman on Youtube who are making weapons from video games and movies and show how absurd some of them are and how impossibly heavy for example Cloud's sword from FF7 would be.

As a publicity stunt I would show up to towns with game weapons crafted (with a blunt edge ofc you know health and safety) and get the people to try and lift them up, wield them, hit a striking dummy. Kind of a modern day "the person who can pull Excalibur out from this stone shall be king" type of competition.

Are you the strongest person in your town? Did you lift up Cloud's sword? Here, you get some special accessory or materia to use ingame as a reward.

Samuel's avatar

Picture this:

The War Thunder Extravaganza!

It would be a weekend full of jaw-dropping sights and fun for all ages and all hobbies, accross the entirety of the US and Europe!

Ships sailing, tanks searing and planes soaring! Something for all vehicle lovers.

Some events/spectacles over a weekend could be

  • Sidecar rides - For the children! There could be all sorts of small carnival rides, vehicular themed for the children to have a blast on

  • Ship tours - For the historians! Explore the grand and historical ships that the Extravaganza will travel to, whether it's the USS Cleveland or the USS Texas,there's plenty for the bleeding anchors out there!

  • Aerobatics and Air Shows - For the armchair pilots! Watch the jaw-dropping skills of historical planes as they float through the sky, unimpeded by age, displaying their beauty.

  • Tank Displays - For the kids that love big machines! I'm sure that little boy inside of most men still love their big machines, and the tank displays would satisfy their need just like that!

  • Live Firing Demonstrations - For the ones that love a big boom! This is more of an adult one, where people can experience the sheer force of these machines in their true colours

These are just some of the potential events that could happen during the weekend-long Extravaganza, and all vehicles or variants used in the Extravaganza will have to be in War Thunder as well. This could also be a charity event, giving back to the community and restoration projects that keep these great machines and important parts of history going

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