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Video Games
Boomer's avatar

I'm back on that Cyberpunk kick, just making my way through the Phantom Liberty DLC. Anyone else played through it?

Rich's avatar

I'm debating it vs Destiny now that the six-month season has started and I can go at a gentler pace. I'd probably find Cyberpunk more fulfilling, but I do want to get caught up on Destiny before The Final Shape...

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I finally loaded up BG3 last night. Just in time for the 30GB update 😐

Rich's avatar

Yeeeeeesss you're gonna love it. Can't wait to hear about it :-D

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I think it's safe to say you were right. According to Steam, I logged 28 hours this weekend 😬

Midboss's avatar

Coral Island via Game Pass so I can excercise control over my life that I cant seem to find elsewhere.

Boomer's avatar

That looks fun! I love the chonky animals 🐮🐢🐶

Wadd Enderas's avatar

I find there's not a tremendous amount of time for anything else when you play EVE Online... I have put maybe 5 hours each into BG3 and FM24 though!


Predecessor and Diablo 4 for me at the moment. Cyberpunk when 2.1 drops tomorrow.


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