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Video Games
Retro Stu's avatar

In terms of game changers I think you have to mention Vampire Survivors. There have been so many clones of that since it's release and whilst it's simple it's had unprecedented success.

I'll always sing the praises of Hades, I think that really elevated roguelikes in terms of adding a huge amount of story to the gameplay loop, really clever way to keep people playing it.

And I think Hollow Knight really raised the bar for what a metroidvania could be. Sure there's platformers and metroidvanias aplenty but something about the whole package of Hollow Knight just makes it seem like it's throwing down the gauntlet to other metroidvania devs.


big game changer has got to be super Mario 64 and shenmue as they both played the foundation for every 3D adventure game that followed in my opinion!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Good article that one. I do think Fortnite should have gotten a mention really, FPS battle royale with building abilities adds a whole new way of fighting. PUBG for me out of that list and Doom ofc :)

Nicole's avatar

I'm guessing the thought process here is that PUBG laid the way for Fortnite to go all those steps further but maybe I'm biased as I was always a PUBG fan over Fortnite.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I think FFXVI's Timely Accessories could be a game changer for accessibility in the future. Apart from having the Story / Action focused modes and then an even harder Final Fantasy mode, these accessories can even further fine-tune how much help you get playing the game.

In FFXVI your main abilities are on right hand side of the controller and items plus commands for Torgal are on the left. Been told by someone who got intense pain in their left hand that being able to make Torgal's attacks and potion use automated by the Timely Accessories was a huge help for them playing the game.

Would like to see more things like these in future games, I think they are really cool features which would make games accessible for more people who have temporary or permanent difficulties with mobility.

Sturmer's avatar

Zelda Breath of the Wild. Really changed the benchmark of how the open world should look like, and how players can interact with it.

World of Warcraft too, look how many 'wow killers' have been released for 2 decades, some of them even survived =)


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