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Video Games

Video Games
Boomer's avatar

I think he needs a new nickname. He's now Willis 'Sledgehammer' Gibson, because he's so good at breaking blocks!


this is incredible , my brain would literally melt trying to keep up haha supposedly there’s some weird techniques involved where you kind of shake the controller as it’s impossible to just press the buttons fast enough to move the blocks normally at that speed! Fascinating stuff!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I both hate and admire this kid, I have never completed it and a kid did it xD

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I do a bit of bouldering, and it's taught me to stop comparing my abilities to those of kids. They're like spider monkeys.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Exactly why my partner only watched shooting games streamed and won't play something like PUBG, he wouldn't be able to keep up with the youngsters with much faster reflexes.

Nicole's avatar

This was me learning to ski! I was a clumsy, terrified Kerplunk of skis, poles and limbs whilst these 4 year olds are just gliding along chilling. I still am to be honest.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

100% I used to rock at CoD now my teenagers obliterate me :P

Sturmer's avatar

I've watched some Tetris tournaments, and sometimes my hands start sweating just from watching the replays on YouTube

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Don't even get me started on Rubik's Cube contests

Sturmer's avatar

its too fast and ends like a PVP in eve online when 2 blaster Hecates are met. While Tetris Tournaments lasts for 20-30 min.


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