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Video Games
Boomer's avatar

I think it'd be a shame if this was AI-generated, but there's a difference between using it to create the set dressing vs using it for the products they sell.

Personally I think there's a better way to present those cards. The actual art on the cards are quite small and the background doesn't fit the style, so it just seems an odd choice.

Big picture though, I do hope Wizards stay away from using AI-generated art in their products.

Sturmer's avatar

We slowly moving towards the Animatrix scenario with all that hate of artificial stuff...

Boomer's avatar

Don't get me wrong I've got nothing against AI-generated art, but I think there's something special about the older Magic: the Gathering art.

Sidenote if anyone is interested, my PhD supervisor runs the Art-AI Festival.

Sturmer's avatar

I used to play MTG and Spellfire actively from 1998 till 2005, and still have a pretty large collection of cards dusting in the albums. And yea, been collecting certain Artists, or themes like 'goblins' and 'knights'

Boomer's avatar

That's awesome! I've also never spoken to anyone that even heard of Spellfire, let alone actually played it! 😲

The box of Spellfire cards my dad and I used to play with when I was young is on the shelf behind me. I've had this strong urge to try and complete the collection of unique cards, but they're not easy to find anymore.

I'd always hoped Spellfire would be revived once Wizards picked up D&D, but it seems they're happy to cross-polinate with Magic: the Gathering instead.


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