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Video Games

Video Games
Sturmer's avatar

Valheim. Minecraft but with physics (kinda)

Wings's avatar

I tend to go in for RPGs because I like either emotionally driven narratives like Red Dead 2 or complex and sprawling lore like Mass Effect. I love the escapism of feeling so immersed in another world!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Awesome answer, thanks for replying :)

Lanah Tyra's avatar

In single player RPGs I play mostly for the story and will take my time completing every side quest and look for further pieces of lore in the furthest corner. Not much of a trophy hunter so I barely have an platinums, but if they are good and not too hard to complete at the beginning and by the time I finish the story I only have a few left, then I'll grind them out just to have that sense of completion.

In FFXIV first comes the regular story updates, then our weekly scheduled raid sessions. I love that there is a huge variety of content, so let that be raids or dungeons to complete, decorating my house or collecting something, content is endless. I truly have to retire to finish everything I have my eyes on in the game.


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