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Video Games

Video Games
Retro Stu's avatar

Great question! And just to add I love that Unpacking is on that list, purely because of how funny I found it that a bunch of people didn't realise what the Game Cube was and assumed it was a sandwich toaster or something so kept trying to house it in the kitchen!

I'm very much an autumn and winter boy, the perks of being a November baby I guess, so my cosy games tend to be ones that might actually be a bit dark and stormy within the game, or something with a good soundscape to it, so Hollow Knight is one I often find some comfort in.

And Fez, the sound design and music in that game is superb and it just provides the right level of chill and cosy.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Something is really messed up with me, I'm a November baby too but I don't like autumn and winter, I need sunshine to really be in my element :D

Alex Sinclair's avatar

The GameCube anecdote made me feel very old. I've never played Hollow Knight, but everything I read about it says that I should. And Fez looks positively adorable!

Boomer's avatar

Fez is so good, but there used to be (still is?) a game-breaking bug that stops you completing the game. The developer also stopped working on it, so it's perma-busted 🙁

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Well that sounds rather frustrating.

Boomer's avatar

It's such a great game up until that point! It's probably worth still giving it a go as an experience, just acknowledging that it won't pay off as intended.

Retro Stu's avatar

I now feel less guilty about never having finished it!

Boomer's avatar

Ha yeah you just saved yourself the frustration! 😆 It really does need someone to patch it if they haven't already!

Sturmer's avatar

Raiding hostile wormhole space in Eve Online, solo =)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Nothing like a trial by fire to really warm you up.

Boomer's avatar

I take it Frostpunk doesn't count? 😂

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Winter Game? Not so much, but, if I had to choose a game to keep my mind off things, it would be Minecraft, hardcore mode, essentially crapping yourself non stop about dying and seeing a creeper miles away and running like its right beside you.


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