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Video Games

Video Games

Duke Nukem, Lara Croft, Jill Valentine and Solid Snake 👌

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Do summons count as weapons? 🤔

Boomer's avatar

Sadly I'm already Team Zombie, but I am not happy about it! 😂

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

I thought this was VERY accurate

"runs away VERY fast"

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

Let's be honest here, all you need is this...

  1. Master Chief

  2. Lara Croft

  3. Deathwing

  4. Division Agents

Yeh, I'm good :)

Nicole's avatar

Master Chief is also up there on my list.

Sturmer's avatar

Here is my party setup:

  1. Tom Nook from Animal Crossing (to scam ammo and food from other survivors)

  2. Pac-Man to om-nom-nom all enemies.

  3. Brigitte from Overwatch, well... it's always nice to have someone at the campfire, besides, she is a great mechanic!

Nicole's avatar

Okay I was not expecting any Animal Crossing entries and Pac-Man is a stroke of genius 😂

Sturmer's avatar

But hey, imo they are pretty powerfull and often overlooked ;) It was tought desigon for me between Mr. Monopoly and Tom, but at the end i desided that Tom Nook gonna be better 'party face' to do trading and diplomacy stuff

Nicole's avatar

Ah yes, Spyro's Moneybag vibes - he'd charge exorbitant amounts for any zombies to get a bridge to reach us.

Although I'm not sure I trust him not to turn traitor...

Retro Stu's avatar

He'd be like the seller in Resi games "What are ya buying?" "What are ya selling?"

Lanah Tyra's avatar

My partner's response to this (and he's not even an FF nerd like me): "Who needs ammo? Cloud, Sephiroth and that other guy you like (Zack)" 😂

If strictly no weapons then I present you my treasure hunter team of Lara Croft and Nathan Drake, supported by FFXIV's master engineer Cid. He'll make a weapon from anything XD

If magic/summons are allowed, then it would be Dion Lesage (dominant of Bahamut in FFXVI), Sephiroth, Aerith


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