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Video Games

Video Games
Rich's avatar

Discworld is the reason I became aware of GameFAQs (or would it have been CheatCC... somewhere like that). No child could solve those puzzles so I just followed a walkthrough of the whole game, and it was wonderful. I would love this to happen!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Best games ever, bring on more, loved them, and cannot say enough nice things about them. Books were nothing short of amazing as well. He will be missed, I met TP when I was doing work experience in Waterstones in Salisbury city, very nice guy.

I said, how did you get the ideas for your books?

He Replied

"It was a hobby, when it paid more than my job I quit and wrote more"

Will never forget that meeting. closed stored, 6 pm, sat chatting with an incredible author.


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