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Video Games
Dave's avatar

Well I downloaded it and gave it a fair go. Deleted it after 40 minutes. Did not enjoy it. The characters, story and voice acting were not interesting. Didn't feel right in some way to control, and the on land or on ship components are not seamless and feel like two different games that cut in.

After a short combat scene with invisible walls and complaints I had left the area with a timer to move back into the circle of approved sea, I got given multiple generic boring fetch quests in a row (o I have the info but first you need to do this mundane chore for me...).

After going back and forward to the same location doing boring fetch quests, I got sent to a trade hub and told to get a decent boat. The boat salesman wanted me to gather some mats and then craft a canon ball for him or something. No thanks!


is it like sea of thieves type game?

Dave's avatar

I feel bad for the devs and don't want to come off as really harsh, maybe it gets better later on... But it's a lot worse than Sea of Thieves, its a pirate game with no combat other than naval battles. There are no sword fights, gunfights, in a pirate game??? The onland stuff is really janky, bad animation and it's just like a little trade and quest giving hub. The boats handle like little remote control cars or like those little remote control boats you get in a pond at a fairground/theme park.

Dave's avatar

Like I say though maybe it gets better later on when it opens up more, but I'm not going to put the time in to find out as it was boring.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Did not enjoy this at all, boring and non, whats the word here, it was just awful imo.

Dave's avatar

Im glad I wasn't alone with my thoughts about this game being really boring!

Truthfully, I couldn't bring myself to reach the farthest corners of the end-game, where seemingly, there is a sea monster and tougher ships to battle. Life is too short and my mental wellbeing too important to put myself through an experience that genuinely drained every drop of life out of me.

I think Skull And Bones might be one of the most boring games I've ever played.


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