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Video Games

Video Games
EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

Bugs, bugs, and more bloody bugs, that stuff freaks me out, when I play games with giant spiders in, I actually irl shudder when I've killed stuff, even typing this makes me shudder thinking about it, I absolutely detest spiders, No spider lives in my house!

Wings's avatar

Its the "legs" sound they give spiders and bugs in games/movies for me. No thank you!

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

Yeh that horrible scratching sound, urrgggg

Wings's avatar

Its either scratching or like...moist clicks!

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

Stop it! You're freaking me out now lol

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

xD It's all good, kept reminding me of games like Alien n unreal, scary as hell :P

Alex Sinclair's avatar

"Moist clicks" is the most disturbing but accurate two-word description of that sound possible

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Well I share your phobia of that - big time - but I can't say I've played many games that have called for it

lilmizzhustler's avatar

clowns, a lot of people dislike clowns and makes them uncomfortable

Nicole's avatar

I would definitely support a no-clowns-mode

Sturmer's avatar

Aichmophobia - fear of sharp items. Blunt mode only =)

Nicole's avatar

As someone who is replaying Assassins Creed Odyssey with my trusted combo of spear and daggers, you can't make me play blunt mode!

Sturmer's avatar

Jeeves, strike on time!


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