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Video Games

Video Games
Boomer's avatar

That's terrible! 😟 Everything seems so tough in the games industry right now. Hopefully their professional networks can help find new roles 🤞

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Seems to be happening more and more as they move to digital only. It's going to end up with more people than jobs. Humanity needs to check itself a little bit imo

legs0fmetal's avatar

🤔 It's a bloody shame. It seems to happen quite a bit in the game's industry, and a lot of times with little to no notice. Although layoffs are always a potential feel like it's just too much in the game industry and always in such large scale.

We need people in order to have great games made, and although sometimes games turn out to be flops, that's still a lot of time and energy that's put into it, it's people's livelihoods and passion. And I believe that should be acknowledged, even if the game turns out to be a flop we still do need to acknowledge how much work goes into it more importantly how much Manpower that goes into it.


Lanah Tyra's avatar

You can sort of understand with smaller studios if they miscalculated costs or a project didn't deliver as expected. But big, successful studios like Sony? It just sounds like pure greed for more profit.

Sturmer's avatar

I might sound like I'm defending them, but just trying to understand them. They have never been a social/non-profit company. Greed and more money are key drivers for any public corp. People like to blame them for that, but we should not forget the investors too, someone bought their stocks and now demands a profit.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I see your point, of course investors and companies will want a certain amount of profit. With the pattern of layoffs then starting new projects and hiring for those projects the same roles which have been made redundant a couple of months prior I get the feeling they don't want to keep people around when there's less thing to do, or they don't want to keep people long term on potentially higher salaries, rather they will re-employ again on the base salary. Which again you could understand if the job was advertised as a contract.

So my question is, if developers will keep to this trend of laying off people as soon as a project finished and they don't need them anymore, would it be better for the industry and the people working in it if instead of permanent roles these would be contracts? Even if it's a 6 months or 3 years contract at least when you take the job you know what you are signing up for, and before your contract ends you can start looking for something new. That something new might be a new project at your current company and your contract gets extended yay.

Sturmer's avatar

The phenomenon of workforce displacement due to AI and modern tools isn't exclusive to the gaming industry; fintech is experiencing similar shifts. It's estimated that 5 to 15% of roles are becoming obsolete because of technological advancements. However, the low unemployment rate (UNRATE) suggests this isn't leading to widespread joblessness but rather a shift in the workforce. People are moving from sectors that are downsizing due to automation to others that are expanding and hiring


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