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Sturmer's avatar

Indeed, the answer is a resounding yes! It's challenging to set aside personal opinions and sentiments, but I'll try to POV how FFVII influenced the genre and the video gaming industry.

  1. FFVII was groundbreaking in its utilisation of 3D characters and varied camera angles, revolutionising graphics and storytelling in RPGs. This technological advancement did not merely enhance its visual appeal but also made it deeply immersive, establishing a new benchmark for narrative delivery in video games.

  2. The release of FFVII on the PlayStation 1, accompanied by significant marketing campaigns, played a pivotal role in its success. It captivated a wider audience, including those who might not have previously encountered JRPGs.

  3. Furthermore, FFVII is often lauded for substantially boosting the sales of the PlayStation console. The game's popularity and innovative features likely persuaded many players to invest in the console. This game is a clear PS sales 'booster'.

  4. The game emerged as a cultural icon, frequently mentioned in the same breath as other seminal games like "Ocarina of Time," "Chrono Trigger," and "Mario 64." Its influence extended beyond the confines of the gaming industry, permeating popular culture at large.

  5. Over the years, FFVII has sustained a robust fan base, with its influence still palpable in contemporary gaming. The nostalgia associated with the game, coupled with its innovative features at the time of release, continues to shape its status as a cherished title. I've recently reviewed the Reddit statistics; it remains highly active in regards to that game.

In sum, its pioneering graphics, storytelling, broad appeal, and lasting impact on both the industry and its aficionados alike, justly affirm its iconic status.

Dave's avatar

I played the original FFVII on the PS1 at launch. I remember all the hype at the time in the various PlayStation magazines. It was an amazing game in it’s day but like with most games I think, if you go back and play them today or someone younger plays it for the first time, it doesn’t have the same magic as it did back then.

I remember dragging out the play through and taking about 6 hours to get to the end of Midgar. I was convinced I was playing the end of the game during these scenes and wondering what the use was of the other discs! It wasn’t unusual for that to be the length of games back then. The moment when it opens up and you realise that was just one location on a massive map was a brilliant experience. Today it would not hold the same level of awe to a new player, with how spoilt we are today. The depth and thought of the story, emotion, cut scenes and characters were something I had never experienced before in a game.

I haven’t experienced the same level of enjoyment in any Final Fantasy game as much as I have in FFVII so I do think VII is the best one in the series but that includes the remake not just the original. I think for todays audience, if you haven’t played it, I think a youtube summary/quick highlights is the way to go and the remake should be the game you put the time into.

TheGrapeOfSpades's avatar

Unlinke Many people, FFVII was not my first Final Fantasy game, But it was the first one that I Played in it's Entirety. The Characters and story of the Game are great, and for the most part I enjoy the combat; However, I can't say i'm the biggest fan of the ATB system, as I enjoy the less chaotic turn based combat of say, FFX or LOTR: The Third Age. Having said that, The game is Certainly the most Iconic of the series.

Overall, for me personally, I wouldn't say it is my favourite, But it is definitely in the top 3.

legs0fmetal's avatar

Final Fantasy 7 when it originally came out I was not to get into too much personal detail not in a place/country that had really any Electronics or like bare minimum. But more importantly I was only like 5 years old.

Final Fantasy 13 was my first in the series back on the Xbox 360 I believe I had it on. Which did get my interest enough to actually look up lore about the Final Fantasy universe. Although it wasn't enough to keep my attention sadly, because I can't remember if I actually finished it or not. 🤔🤷

I had already known that Final Fantasy 7 was considered a proper classic, but it wasn't until I watched eurogamer do a play through of the game that I realize properly that it does deserve it's reputation.

Final Fantasy 7 remake was my first time being able to finish a final fantasy game. it was Bloody amazing, and I was properly obsessed. I will definitely be playing the Final Fantasy 7 rebirth.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Final Fantasy VII - In terms of gaming it was one of the most iconic games ever made, its very storyline, pulled heartstrings, showed the real and in my opinion, proper use of cut scenes to push the story forward, and the combat itself was a great thing as well.

This game was played and documented in YouTube videos by our team member thegreatestbanana for me to watch his progress through the game. I have watched videos on other FF games but this one is special to me because it was the first one I ever really saw.

The storyline, the music, the cut scenes, and the heart-rending of it all, will always be special to me, always.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

If I was to pick an FF game now looking at the entire franchise up to the latest instalment, it probably wouldn't be the original FFVII (I think at this point we should be treating the OG FFVII and FFVII Remake series as separate games). FFXVI might win for me right now because of the summon system. I love the eikons, and what is better than to summon one? To turn into one of course.

But for those of us who played FFVII as the first Final Fantasy game, and maybe it was even the first RPG we played it had a huge impact. And (at least for me) that nostalgia has a huge part in it why we say it's the best Final Fantasy game. The characters, the story, the music and one of the most engaging turn-based combat you can get.

And possibly this is one of the reasons why we are getting a remake and not just a pixel remaster like we got for FFI-VI. Because this game has defined a generation, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who said after seeing the Advent Children movie that "man I wish they have made FFVII today because it would have looked amazing with such graphics."

And while I'm all in for new ideas and happy to see new, unique games with a new story, there are a few other FF games I would love to see in such a remake quality.


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