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Video Games
Horror and Cats's avatar

I tried once, got to 18, and I refuse to try again unless I have some kind of physical buttons to work with lol. I grew up on Nokia snake, touch screen is doing my head in something fierce lmao.

mar1gold 's avatar

it does take a while to get used to! I used to have a nokia too hehe

Horror and Cats's avatar

My fondest memory of Snake is the cart you find in the Siberia level of Timesplitters 2 haha. Best version, if you ask me

Wings's avatar

51 so far but I suspect I'll be coming back to this over the weekend. Hurts my thumbs less than my old Nokia did!

Rupert's avatar

56 here! I guess I panicked when I thought I was going to beat your score...

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I completed this in college so many times, but then that was on my Nokia 3210


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