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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Aww damn, we are moving house and my space marine army is all safely packed up! Literally finished painting a squad last week. I love Warhammer, my stuff is all red/yellow themed, wasn't a fan of the Blue style they use

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Soon a we are settled in the new house and they are unpacked, I shall take some pictures for you.

Rupert's avatar

I'm sure it won't be long until Just About Warhammer is a thing...

Please excuse my shoddy painting: I only started recently so I've only painted 3 miniatures in my life so far!

We do also have this from the 'Eavy Metal team:

Paul's avatar

AWESOME, Im sure hobbiests will flock here if there was a space for wargaming.

Kerri's avatar

Here’s one of my perma-in-progress Battle Bitches. Just can’t do faces 🤦‍♀️

Rich's avatar

I played Warhammer Fantasy from 5E (1998) until GW blew it up, then I dabbled with The Ninth Age (unofficial new edition from the competitive community). Played a few games of 40k (Necrons - loving your Szarekh, the orange looks so good!) and Inquisitor too, but Fantasy was always my main game (Bretonnia, Vampires, Dwarfs).

I am absolutely delighted that GW has effectively relaunched Fantasy with The Old World, and I bought all the books and a few new Bret models, but I've no idea if I'll actually play again. Two of my old gaming circle have emigrated and I don't really have the time anymore! I still follow news about the hobby and may get back into painting. And if we ever do launch a Warhammer community here I'll be very eagerly involved!

Paul's avatar

I never got in to fantasy as a kid but am looking forward to playing old world.

Boomer's avatar

I started out in Fantasy way back, and dabbled with 40k for a little while.

The Bretonnian army never grabbed me that much, but I always thought Vampires and Dwarfs were really cool. My dad got me started with a Chaos army, then I moved on to a Lizardman army from scratch.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Oh my partner would love these. He's thinking to sell his WH stuff as there's no one nearby to play with and they are just collecting dust.

Makster's avatar

I haven't played Warhammer since 6th Form at school at that is easily 10+ years ago but I'm so happy that it is still going strong.

I've had boltgun on my PSN wishlist for the longest time so hopefully that will get me back into the Emperor's good graces

Paul's avatar

Boltgun is awesome, I have it on switch!


awesome! I had just at the end of last year painted my first space marine model! Now I have a army of Tau empire to build next!! I’m excited to play a game once I get them made! I had also recently read a book of 40K short stories which was great! Can’t wait for the live action version too with Henry cavil! 🔥 “for the emperor!”

Paul's avatar

Thought I might share (most of) my full collection.

Sturmer's avatar

I do not play them, but sometimes I paint them for relaxation.

Paul's avatar

Thats why I got back in to it. It was during a very stressful period in my life and I found it to be really relaxing. Now iv made new friends while playing so its just been helping ever since.


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