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Video Games

Video Games
Makster's avatar

It finally hit me when I finished Uncharted 4 and then watched a YT video by the Gaming Brit. He mentioned that the gameplay was solid but because the framerate was locked and spinning the camera around just blurred everything it made it difficult to play - and it was like the penny dropping. Like you don't realise it, but your brain did

Thomas's avatar

I played Sekiro on Xbox One and I definitely felt like the framerate was working against me, at least some of the time. Played it again on PS5 and it felt much better.

As for how big a deal it is to me in general, it depends on the game. In Bloodborne it doesn't actually bother me at all, and obviously games like Animal Crossing can get away with it, but I struggled with FF16 because of how inconsistent the framerate was.


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