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Video Games

Video Games
Nicole's avatar

I didn't know that rating existed

Sturmer's avatar

you can read more about it here

i was expecting same as game's PEGI 7.

Paul's avatar

I dont understand how or why.

Other then money of course.

Boomer's avatar

It's got some fantastic actors lined up!

Honestly I think I'm over being skeptical about game adaptations, as the recent ones have nailed it!

I've linked to the actors' IMDB pages, and Variety lists the character descriptions as:

Randall Park will voice ‘Red’ – Captain of The Skeld People-pleaser, blowhard Task: leadership, confidence Fun Fact: failed upwards – Ashley Johnson will voice ‘Purple’ – Chief of Security Safety, suspicion, sarcasm Task: wet blanket Fun Fact: trust issues – Yvette Nicole Brown will voice ‘Orange’ – HR Spineless corporate shill Task: eliminate redundancy, redundantly Fun Fact: fires you over email – Elijah Wood will voice ‘Green’ – Unpaid Intern Happy to be there Task: whatever they’re told Fun Fact: gets paid in pizza


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