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Video Games
FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

It goes up and down though really, so it's not too bad generally but the console wars are deffo causing issues with sales IMO


I know! I don’t think xbox announcing they are bringing some of their exclusive games to other consoles was a smart move in the long run! I really want them all being strong as it makes them all create better games and hardware at better prices for us gamers but damn Xbox really drop the ball a lot , PlayStation and Nintendo are just powering on! Fingers crossed Xbox start doing better soon!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I 100% agreed, I'm tired of it, they should just stay in their lanes instead of trying to screw each other over nonstop.

Makster's avatar

Thanks for the heads up. Not too sure why there is an expert installation option for the external harddrive for PS4/PS5 for £59.29. Does someone unbox it for you and plug it into your console and then charge you £59.29 to do so?

Dave's avatar

Someone should buy that and make a video about it! Lol


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