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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

To be fair your solution sounds workable. The issue, you now have to hope the devs, think before doing this as a long-term thing.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Usually Square Enix is very good with experimenting with such stuff and listen to player feedback before implementing. I will be spending a lot of time over there during the test phase and create as many videos as possible about my experiences. Have a few folks from SE following me on Xitter, so maybe feedback will reach the right places.

Spoke to a few people who are like me, log in for a couple of hours, enjoy the game and be nice to people, and they all said the benefits of this system definitely outweigh the negativities, especially because all of them could be addressed. Problem is (and this is what my next post will be about) which voices will be heard from the community? The loud ones who not necessarily represent the opinion of the majority of the playerbase?

dmugirl2008's avatar

Personally I've seen loads of people talking about going to the underpopulated servers to get a more stable experience. I'm just hoping it means duty finder will have an easier time of it (I still have flashbacks to stormblood early access when the duty system collapsed for a bit lol). I'm going to start with roulettes to level the new jobs rather than msq anyway. I hope this ends up being a mostly positive experience for everyone.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Hope so too! Endwalker release was very bad too often I couldn't play when I got home from work because the queue was insane. That's when I made my alt on NA because the time zone difference queue was shorter there.

I started playing in ARR and remember the times when duty queue as dps was easily over 30 mins. So I really hope this will help even things out. I spoke to people on the Oceania DC and they are very happy and excited to get some more people as their servers are not that populated either.

Sturmer's avatar

Is a bold step indeed. While it opens up exciting opportunities for broader interactions, it also highlights challenges like harassment and server population balance (and well, culture). It'll be interesting to see how the community adapts and what solutions emerge from this experiment. It might be refreshing... or a total disaster!


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