See that? That's a car, with arms and legs, chopping carrots. This is silly, silly is good, bring us more silly: that's the essence of this bounty.
What The Car is the latest from the folks who brought us the amazing What The Golf and What The Bat, and it's got a demo that you can download for free right now from Steam. We'd love for you to do just that, then come back here and make us laugh. You can do that with a screenshot, a short video clip, or even just an anecdote (but videos and images make us laugh more easily).
Show or tell us all about your goofy automotive misadventures - if submitting images or video, remember to verify your social accounts per the instructions below. The seven submissions that make us laugh loudest (our decibel meter is right here) get $5 each!
already paid
$25 / 35
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