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Video Games
Sturmer's avatar

ditto, all my old Fallout 2 and similar guides are trending!

Paul's avatar

Im not surprised as so many new people will have been introduced to the world rather then just seeing the box art. The show hasnt made me want to replay it but I always go back to one of the games every now and again anyway.

Makster's avatar

I actually completely forgot about Fallout Shelter. I think I was still rocking an iPhone 4 which could barely handle that game!

Glad all fallout games are getting a big boost in player because of the show

MadamClutter's avatar

I've always loved the aesthetic and music and world of the games even though I'ver never played them. They've been on my list forever! Since the news broke of the series coming out I finally started with Fallout 3. It's taking me awhile to get used to the mechanics, but it does not disappoint. Especially now that the series is out and nearly every other social media post has been Fallout related, I am anxious to experience all the games AND watch the series of course!

Sturmer's avatar

#3 it considered the game where everything went in wrong direction :D

Nicole's avatar

I also find the mechanics take a little getting used to. What made you land on Fallout 3? I re-installed 4 last night.

MadamClutter's avatar

The first two didn't seem like my cup of tea and a friend whose really into the games said 3 would be a good start. I'm think about switching to 4 though bc I'm still struggling a lot. I'm not sure if I'm trying to do harder things before I'm ready or what, but I'm dying a LOT lol.

Nicole's avatar

I can't remember which it was but there was definitely a Fallout game where I kept running in the wrong direction of two possible routes and just being slaughtered. It took me an embarrassingly long time to consider just trying another direction.

I've also recently become a huge advocate for dropping a game down to easy mode if you really want to enjoy the story that everyone raves about but just aren't connecting with the mechanics or gameplay style.

MadamClutter's avatar

I may just take the easy mode route! It's a good point, I want to enjoy the story.

Nicole's avatar

Do it! I used to feel like it was a bit shame-y but actually I just found I was being put off games which everyone said were great because it wasn't a gameplay style I really like. There's so much going on in life that I don't want my video games to feel like a chore.


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