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Video Games

I'd like to start collecting the Astra Militarum in Warhammer 40K and the Sylvaneth in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. I'm attracted to the Astra Militarum because they're just regular humans fighting in a galaxy full of dangers, and their tanks and guns look really cool. For the Sylvaneth, I love how they mix nature with magic, and their stories about forest spirits and magic warriors are really fun. Both armies have great stories and look awesome during games, which is exactly what I want in a tabletop game.

Makster's avatar

I was wondering what Astra Militarum were and turns out they re-named the Imperial Guard!

Makster's avatar

I ran Chaos Space Marines. I never liked going for the default characters like Ryu, Mario, or Sol Badguy and I really like the variety of the figures with Chaos. You had to bonus of having the toughness, strength, and technology of a Space Marines (Terminators, Tanks, Dreadnought) and the interesting designs and monsters of the Chaos powers as well.

I also couldn't pick many other races because it was a friend group where we couldn't have duplicates so we already had someone running Tau, Necrons, Imperial Guard, and Eldar so there wasn't too many other factions I could have chosen.

After middle school, I swapped my miniatures for a guitar in a desperate pursuit to win attention of the opposite sex so it's been a while since I had tangled with Orkz or Psykers. However I love the Boomer shooter Boltgun. Takes me back to the spending too much time on the family computer playing downloaded community Doom WADs and Quake Multiplayer.


KillTeam & Warcry are the way to go (as long a games workshop keeps supporting them – but maybe even after!) the models are so full of character and means you can focus on adding that extra detail when painting! Shoutout to Thunderstrike warband & kill team Nightmares box set

Rich's avatar

Lovely to see the skirmish games represented! I played an Inquisitor campaign with a few friends back in the day. Even more fun than the mass-scale Warhammer Fantasy games I usually played, though we never had the right terrain...

Sturmer's avatar

My first Warhammer army was pretty generic - The High Elves.

As a teenager with limited funds, I chose them because they were on sale at a local shop, not necessarily because I was particularly fond of them. Over time, I discovered that I enjoyed painting miniatures more than playing with them. I started by painting my army and then began painting figures for my friends and club members. I find the painting process therapeutic and soothing; it requires such precision that you need to clear your mind and calm down, almost like meditation.

I kept only one of my miniatures, my first clumsy attempt, as a reminder of how everyone starts somewhere, rest I gifted to my friends back then. Now that I'm grown and can choose models I genuinely like, I'm excited to introduce this wonderful hobby to my son once he's a bit older.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

So I've long been a fan of the game and the tabletop game and played in stores in Salisbury & Southampton. I did have a large Tyranid army which I sold a few years ago.

Two weeks ago I decided I wanted to get back into it and I went and purchased this.

Warhammer Starter Set

So far I've sprayed them black on the actual sticks and have as of yet to put them together, once I've finished painting them I will share some pictures.

I want to be a painter first and then get back into gaming in public stores when the kids are a bit older.

Paul's avatar

Sounds like a good plan, start small. I see alot of people buy a ton of models but get burnt out quickly.

Are you planning on painting a chapter or just painting your own?

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I'm going to do my own colour scheme tbh. I prefer to do my own thing when it comes to artwork etc, like my video thumbnails and such.

Paul's avatar

Thats cool, I sometimes wish I did my own colour scheme but just love Blood Angels too much. All my other models are my own however.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Yeh, I am not sure what scheme I am going to go with as of yet. Need to get some time to actually sit down and paint them which I deffo do not have at the moment.

Paul's avatar

SO...I have a bit of a collection including 5 painted armys and a furher 2 unpainted and one still in the box.

I dont collect to play necessarily but I play 40k most weeks at a local gaming cafe.

The first thee are 40k.

Death Guard

Demonic plauge ridden super soldiers. I loved plauge marines as a kid but was always intimidated by all the detail. I think I got over my fear 😅

Blood angels

Vampiric, rage time bomb super soldiers (and in 40k, one of the good guys). These guys were my first love when I found the hobby, seeing a free magazine with an army of blood red marines on bright green bases really sparked my imagination!


Soules space skeletons that gave up their mortal form to win a losing war a millenia before the first space marine was even a thought in the Emporers brain. This was my first army getting back in to the hobby after 10+ years.

Son's of Behemat

These big boys are for Age of Sigma. They are brutal and really fun to play. I plan on making a giant Gandalf as the next model.


This final army is for the Old World and I will probably use goblin rules as this whole army is actually from another game but I had an idea and ran with it.

Well these are my armys, there will likely be more and Im always up to share photos as I feel its a great way to inspire, be inspired and grow the hobby!

Damo's avatar

Those are some great paint jobs! I only recently got into the hobby (40 years old isn’t too late!) with Kill Team sucking me in as a smaller scale, easy to digest games night game. I think they did a great job with the last Kill Team rules reset. It captures the essence of 40K in a couple of hours, and with Campaign mode where your soldiers pick up promotions and permanent injuries gives us a chance to build longer narratives, with permadeath meaning fight night isn’t just about having the most firepower as you try to keep your one armed sniper out of harms way.

Unless you play a Krieg squad of course where death is to be expected for soldier 17362.

Paul's avatar

Iv never played kill team but hear good things. All my mates play 40k and when you have all these models you kind or want to use them lol. What faction do you play?

Damo's avatar

Veteran Guardsmen, specifically Death Korps of Krieg was my first squad. I’ve since added a Ravagers squad and I’m putting together a Pathfinders team this weekend.

My work colleague is a lifelong Warhammer fanatic and he gave me a bag of unused Necron kits to play with too. No official Kill Team rules for them yet though so I’m holding off.

Paul's avatar

Cool. Im the kind of person that will buy and paint a kit like kill team just because it looks fun. I have so many blood bowl teams but have only played one game.

Sturmer's avatar

Ultimate collection m8!

On a side note, what kind of shelf is that? I need something like that for my figures collection, currently using IKEA Billy with glass doors.

Paul's avatar

Its a detolf from ikea however they have discontinued it, which sucks as the newer display case is alot smaller.

BeyondBelief's avatar

So awesome to see a bounty like this! I'm a big Warhammer fan. Some of my favourite games of all time are Warhammer 40k Dawn of War series. It's been one of those games that I've always played either single player or with others online. (I just wish they didn't shut down the servers all of those years ago). I've played all of the Dawn of War series, from new to old, but I've always loved the classic races. It's the real heart of Warhammer. My personal favourites are Imperial Guard and of course the famous Space Marine, so iconic. Writing this now certainly makes me want to boot up and give these a spin one more time. I haven't quite got into the painting side of things yet as it's certainly a very expensive hobby. I used to do lots of modelling and painting growing up and I think on this particular set of models the painting would frustrate me with the smaller details as I'm certainly a perfectionist. I would love to buy a set of Space Marine or Orks to mess around and play some Warhammer 40K in though! I'm looking forward to the new Space Marine game coming out later this year and might be the only game I pre-order this year!


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