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Video Games

Video Games
FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I've just downloaded it, will give it a good test run tomorrow and report back sir!

Well apparently you need to buy stuff on itunes?


no don’t need to buy anything it’s all free! Well was for me anyways! Whats it saying you need to purchase?

Horror and Cats's avatar

If I had to guess, probably the ROMs


Weird I never got any prompts about payments

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Well i downloaded it, opened it and its telling me to import from itunes

I dont use itunes so... No games on it


weird I didn’t use iTunes at all, check out my tutorial vid and you will see what I mean and how I did it

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

yeh its on my list of things to do today lol


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