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Video Games

Video Games

getting all their games on the next Nintendo console will be a big win for them!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

It would be indeed! And FFXVI and FF7 Remake series would also do amazing on PC/Xbox.

Dave's avatar

With any game if I don't buy it in that initial few weeks where the marketing and social talk about it is at it's highest, then It's very likely I either never buy it at all, or years later on a huge discount for less than £10.

I gather PC is roughly 50% of the market so it makes total sense to make the most of these companies massive marketing spends and have games released at the same time across different platforms to in turns drive the most sales at the highest initial release price.

Releasing years later, with no marketing, at full console RRP and then not even on the most popular store front, (signing yet more exclusivity with epic gamestore), just isn't going to attract customers. It's like they go out of their way to put barriers up to put people off buying their games. I guess they are going for the safe, exclusivity deal money on PC like they are used to doing in the console market. Then every game release we always hear how it underperformed. It's a running joke/meme at this point.

Dave's avatar

I have preorded the next FFXIV expansion on pc. Reinstalled the game and hoping to get through it in time for launch. Not very likely though as I was only just coming up to half way when I dropped it. at the start of the year.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Some of Stormblood content is boring and hard to get through with queue times so if you ever need help just give me a shout! You'll be fine once you get to Shadowbringers, and don't worry about not finishing for the new expansion, the new areas will be massively packed at launch anyway so probably you'll have a more relaxed experience if you get there a bit later.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

We talked about this under another post not long ago, and I totally agree with the PC front... I never understood why are there so many different stores to buy stuff for PC. The problem with the staggered release is social media... the people who have to wait a year to play the game on a different platform will most likely get spoiled and by the time the game is available for them they might not want to pay full price for something they've already seen on social media.

I'm the same tbh, I either buy a game on launch if I care about it a lot, or I'll get it later either from CeX second hand or if there is a discount.


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