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CelestialFlea's avatar

Why hello there ratio. This one is a real puzzler, apparently the original story was scrapped (according to a writer who worked on it in 2014) and it was centered around a young monk called Yamauchi Taka, which means Hawk. Which would work with every other AC having a bird of prey as a companion.

The story was focused around a sword, Japan's version of Excalibur and after Nobunaga is assassinated, the monk joins the brotherhood. Credit goes to InfinitaleChronicles on twitter who was apparently involved with writing said story . Which to me, that sounds like an incredible story in-line with every other AC game.

Not being received too well by the Japanese folks, so will be interesting to watch this one to see what happens.

Makster's avatar

I thought YT got rid of the thumbs up and down due to negative feedback like this? - maybe its just an option.

Having AC in Japan/ Asia has been a desire for many fans for a long time (I think Ezio's apprentice was Asian so it's been sorta teased since Revelation) so it is a shame that they're fumbling this already

CelestialFlea's avatar

Agreed, also not sure how a dude who's gonna stick out like a sore thumb in Japan is gonna be able to blend into the crowd unless they've gone with a stealth character, or tank character kinda thing. But yeah a pretty big blunder.

They did get rid of it, but there's extensions that re-enable it. It's pretty useful to have!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I think it looks pretty decent tbh

Sturmer's avatar

a well timed announcement with a TV show. But november 15th quite far away.

Comments are pretty negative, so is the likes counter.

Looks like ubisoft managed to fail where they could craft a masterpiece

Alex Sinclair's avatar

The like-to-dislike ratio is quite something. I'm withholding judgment though. I did a little reading on it, and there's some cool stuff in there. I like that they're combining the old and new styles of the AC games. Though the proof will be in the pudding as they say.

CelestialFlea's avatar

The idea of a stealth character and a hack n slash tank character is pretty cool depending on the persons playstyle.

Though I'm definitely concerned about how they plan to monetize Shadows. Allegedly there's multiple 'mini' season passes which will probably be paid for that unlocks different cosmetics. If you can earn them free, fine I don't mind.

Ubisofts stocks haven't responded too well either.

It may be worth just waiting a week or two after launch when the inevitable sale happens, or wait a bit longer and pick it up even cheaper still. One thing I've noticed with recent AC games is that they very quickly seem to drop in value and get heavily discounted sales within the first couple of months of launch.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Well that's all decidedly less promising. I've noticed that too with the heavy discounts; they're the sort of games I'll always delay buying because they'll be just as fun a year later when I can buy them for half the price.


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