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Video Games

Video Games
Damien Mason's avatar

I'm almost certain this is how I played Ghost in the Shell. I never actually booted the proper game, just played that demo with the mech spider over and over.

Shovel's avatar

oh my gosh I remember these. I remember my parents got us a PlayStation one and we really couldn’t afford many games at that point but with the magazine we were able to play a few trials because of the demo it was such an inexpensive way to introduce games to peoples household.

Laura's avatar

How could I forget? Sometimes all I played of some of these games was the demos and I played some to DEATH, Tomba being one of them

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I have these in a box still lol

Paul's avatar

I loved this magazine. I have played so many games thanks to these demo discs. The one that stands out was a demo for Legend of Dragoon.

The demo was a little ways in to the game and I must of replayed it so many times. One year I got the full game but I couldn't get in to it and ended up getting rid of it (check ebay, that was a BIG mistake).


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