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Horror and Cats's avatar

I can’t eggsplain how eggrivated and eggsasperated this would make me. It’s like Trials but eggcentric, and Trials scrambled my brain.

On the sunny side, it won’t be over-ly easy, so those who don’t crack under pressure will have an eggcellent time.


Nicole's avatar

Are you yoking right now? This was an eggceptional level of puns. Perfectly eggsecuted.

Its left me scrambling to think of more eggzamples. I might have to poach some of yours.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Poaching my puns?? Eggs-Benedict Arnold!

I’m boiling with rage. But it’s not over hard to come up with them. I’ve got dozens.

Nicole's avatar

Well eggcuuuuuuse me! I am egg-ually bedevilled with your punning prowess but you will not break me.

Horror and Cats's avatar

You’ve been coddled too long. Time to go on hollandaise and leave you a shell of your former self.

Om-e-let you take one more crack at the king, but as shirred as my name is Quiche Frittata, you shall not a-quail.

Nicole's avatar


I know when I've been beaten...

Horror and Cats's avatar

I’m sure this loss is un-bèarnaise-able 😎

Nicole's avatar

It has bruised my eggo.

Horror and Cats's avatar

To be totally fair, a friend of mine got an egg chair for reading outside a few weeks ago and I hit her with EVERYTHING, so the puns were already fresh in the mind haha

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