Daniel Craig playing PSP while on a break from shooting the Miami Airport sequence for Casino Royale. Comment below what you think he’s playing… best answer is the one with most reactions!
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Daniel Craig playing PSP while on a break from shooting the Miami Airport sequence for Casino Royale. Comment below what you think he’s playing… best answer is the one with most reactions!
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The names Bond, Games Bond..
James Pond? lol what a classic
Obviously Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core. Everyone bought a PSP for that game, right? (well I did... and would do so again... )
Ohh I’ve got that for my Xbox I need to finish it off!
Killzone: Liberation
Awesome franchise Sony needs to revive!
Mario Cart!
Haha maybe he’s hacked his PSP and is running some ROMs on it lol he is James Bond after all
Or could he be watching a movie on a UMD !? Forgot how much this handheld console could do! Maybe he’s watching James Bond lol
He was rumoured to play Clash of Clans
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