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Video Games

Video Games
Retro Stu's avatar

I'm controller all the way. Unless it's something like a deck builder where it requires me to use a mouse.

In my teens I used to play a lot of keyboard and mouse but I feel like I've conditioned myself to "I use a mouse and keyboard all day at work, 5 days a week" so using them to play a game doesn't quite feel the same as picking up a controller. Something about holding a controller and kicking back in my chair to play something is more relaxing to me.

I used to use a third party Xbox 360 controller until endless hours of Hades speedruns and Enter the Gungeon broke it. I bought a replacement twice (different brands) and each time there was a fault with them so I resorted to plugging in my PS4 controller instead.

Sturmer's avatar

Sorry for ruining the party.

it turns out that over half of steam users are using controllers

over half controllers' users, not steam users.

The total Steam stats are:

  • 15% using controllers (up from 5% in 2018)

  • 85% using keyboard and mouse (down from 95% in 2018)

Specifically, Xbox controllers are used by 8.85% of all Steam users. This is still a significant number, but not as high as initially posted.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Console Games which got ported to PC with Controller.
Here the fancy Xbox one.
Otherwise Mouse and Keyboard.

The real question is are there still trackball FPS pros out there?

Sturmer's avatar

trackballs too obscure, but i've seen pople are playing FPS games on apple trackpads lol -)

Paul's avatar

I have a laptop and dont like to sit at a desk as I do that for work so I find a controller is much more comfortable for me.

I have a wired Xbox one controller that I find works just fine and s I often jump between PS, nintendow and xbox the button layout isnt too off putting.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Keyboard and mouse.

My problem with controllers is that as a PS player I prefer PS controller, I have one... but I had to buy and Xbox one, because all games on Steam which I tried and looked like being more comfortable to play on controller (like any game with flying in it...) display the Xbox controller layout and that confuses the hell out of me. I never had an Xbox. If it says press Y I don't know where that is without having an Xbox controller and being able to look at it...

And personally I don't find the Xbox controller more comfortable, I'm used to the PS controller and would like to use that if games were made to fully support it and show the PS button layout, not the Xbox one.

Sturmer's avatar

I use mouse and keyboard, for games I wish to play on a coach - gettin Nintendo version and play with Nintendo Pro controller, or chilling with a joycons in each hand, very unique experience =)


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